Creating an Impactful Brand Installation: The Magic of Anamorphic Art

Adnan Morbiwala
The Event Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 24, 2023
Image Source : Google Images

In a world saturated with a lot of noise and the consumer being subject to content, content and more content, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audience and leave a lasting impression.

One such technique that has gained significant popularity, and one which we designed for our own client sometime back, is the use of anamorphic art in brand installations.

Anamorphic art refers to distorted images that can only be fully perceived from a specific vantage point.

By harnessing the power of perspective and optical illusions, brands can create stunning and immersive experiences that engage and intrigue their target audience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating world of anamorphic art and how it can be used to craft an impactful brand installation.

Image Source : Google Images

Unveiling a World of Illusions

While it’s roots go as far back as the Renaissance, with advancements in technology and artistic techniques, anamorphic art has evolved into a powerful tool for visual storytelling.

Brands can leverage this technique to create unique and captivating installations that spark curiosity and foster a deep connection with their audience.

The premise can be anything. Even just the logo or say trying to prove the brand is eco-friendly, the impact that this type of installation creates is mind-blowing. Audiences can engage with multiple elements be it waste, products, photos and all of these contribute towards creating an image.

Breaking the Boundaries of Perception

One of the primary reasons anamorphic art is so effective in brand installations is its ability to challenge traditional perceptions of what is.

By distorting reality, brands can create installations that grab attention and make people pause, inviting them to explore and engage with the artwork.

This break from the ordinary sets the stage for a higher brand recall and in an Instagram world, much more added visibility for brands.

Amplifying Brand Identity and Messaging

Through this technique, brands can infuse their core messaging in a more visual manner.

The distorted images can be crafted in a way that visually represents the brand’s values, mission, or product offerings.

This integration ensures a cohesive and meaningful experience, enabling the audience to connect emotionally with the brand on a deeper level.

Whether it’s a playful representation of a product or a symbolic portrayal of a brand’s vision, anamorphic art empowers companies to communicate their essence with impact.

Creating Shareable Experiences

As mentioned above, brand installations need to go beyond just visual appeal and be a shareable asset.

In today’s digital age, creating experiences that are share-worthy is crucial for brands. Anamorphic art installations provide a perfect opportunity for users to capture and share their experiences on social media platforms.

The optical illusions, combined with unique perspectives, make for visually striking photographs and videos that quickly go viral, amplifying the reach and visibility of the brand’s installation far beyond its physical location.

Building a Lasting Emotional Connection

Anamorphic art installations have a profound impact on the viewer’s emotions.

The surprise, wonder, and awe generated by these immersive experiences leave a lasting impression on the audience.

By tapping into these emotions, brands can create a sense of connection and affiliation with their target market.

A memorable installation can become a talking point, generating positive word-of-mouth and establishing a loyal customer base.

Collaborating with Artists and Innovators

This point cannot be understated, this needs an artists eye. For our installation, we collaborated with the best in Jitendra Patel and his firm Arthat Studio.

By partnering with artists who understand the brand’s vision, companies can create installations that truly encapsulate their identity and engage their audience effectively. These collaborations foster creativity and push the boundaries of what is possible, resulting in breathtaking installations that leave a lasting impact.

To tell you a bit more about what we did, here is a video.

The content itself was images of a tourist destination, where as that content formed the silhouette of a bowler when viewed from one angle and a batsman when viewed from another.

The visual appeal that this created made people actually get near the piece and find their favourite destinations and engage with it.

Of Course other details just came together :)

Hope you enjoyed reading.

About Ting Tong Marketing — Pegasus Events

Ting Tong Marketing — Pegasus Events offers event management services.

We are a boutique agency backed by 14 years of experience, and have delivered more than 1500 + events for companies across different industries since 2005.This foundationally strong approach helps us accelerate growth and visibility for our clients through awesome events.

Reach out to Adnan Morbiwala — (Founder and Director) —



Adnan Morbiwala
The Event Blog

The guy who talks about random stuff. I'm a passionate Marketer who is also the events guy.