The Event Checklist : 8 Secrets That Will Transform Your Corporate Event into an Unforgettable Experience!

Adnan Morbiwala
The Event Blog
Published in
5 min readMay 22, 2023

Planning an event for your brand can be a daunting task, something that requires a lot of concentration. There are many last minute challenges that need to be met.

Clear communication, and collaboration between the event manager and the client can help overcome this .

The best way to achieve this is a Pre-Event Checklist so that any miscommunication is avoided from the get-go.

This checklist must carry detailed information pertaining to the general functionality and logistics involved in planning an event.

This would act as a ready reckoner for all the information event stakeholders would need, with specific responsibilities assigned to each person, and all other relevant information regarding the event flow.

Image Source : Google Images

Many of these might seem obvious, but you will be surprised as to how easily not having these can lead to crisis.

Event Date, Time and Location

These form the header of the checklist. As obvious as these may sound, in all the pre-event work that takes place, confusion about these things can take place. We have had instances in the past when the month that the event has to happen has been confused. Two hotels belonging to the same brand have been interchangeably used.

It is always a good idea to have all this in black and white.


Events are like a set of dominoes or more like connecting the dots. It is important for the events team to have all stakeholders numbers and email addresses handy to be able to connect with at a moments notice.

If there is a SPOC from the clients end, the SPOC needs to have all the information needed handy, although, it is always just a hygiene factor to have all stakeholder details handy.


A detailed floorplan having exact measurements and placements is extremely important. This is of-course mainly and intrinsic event manager detail, but it also serves as a black and white blue print for important details such as demo booth placement and other engagement.

Also, venue floorplans do not serve the purpose. Usually, venue floorplans do not factor in chandeliers and crevices which can be a real problem if gone unchecked.

As an agency, we always ensure we conduct a recce of the venue that is to be booked (If it is a new venue, otherwise we maintain a database of floorplans in-house) and once the recce is done, we re-create the floorplan entirely to include equipment placements and seating.


Again an intrinsic event manager detail, but for branding elements at the event, it is important to have all stakeholders as privy to the information along with Preview PNG’s of the designed backdrops, standees etc.

With the amount of brand elements that go in to representing a brand offline, it is important to ensure that all key engagement points are absolutely spot on and in line with the brand guidelines.


This is a checklist within a checklist, but is one of the more important hygiene factors that needs to be part of the overall event checklist.

Color Codes


Placement and Size of Logos

Do’s and Dont’s.

These have to be part of the overall event checklist.

Let’s take an example, your company has it’s annual party and awards ceremony and your company’s font in the PPT is different from the one that actually goes up on the screen. (This happens because the company font is not installed at the console, hygiene factor!)

While the audience might not notice, that font is a part of your brands identity and ensuring it is there is very important information.


Two words : Aspect Ratio.

When making the presentation for the event, as a client, you need to understand what aspect ratio to get it made in according to the size of the screen at the event.

We can make adjustments using our equipment, however, we cannot get a 4:3 presentation to fit on a 1920 x 768 screen, that needs to be discussed when the presentation is being made.


A critical part of the event, the agenda has to be broken down minute by minute and put within the checklist.

This is to ensure a smooth flowing event. Timers need to be set accordingly, speakers need to be lined up and overall, the event needs to finish on time.


The running order is something that makes console life easier.

Your events running order is a detailed explanation of how the lights placement, LED Visuals and Sound would run during the minute by minute breakdown of your event.

It highlights things like, what is going to happen on stage, who will do what etc etc and is critical to make sure there is no mess up when the event is actually taking place.

Implementation of the running order is our responsibility. At Ting Tong, we dry run the running order multiple times, even if the client is not at the venue.

The aim of this Memo is to provide everyone involved, with a hands-on knowledge of virtually ANYTHING pertaining to the event. It is important, however, that this memo be distributed at least a week before the event, to allow suggestions and minor changes to take place without any hiccups.

This allows for a healthy client-event manager interaction, and helps build confidence among the people associated with the event; it encourages management authority to make last minute changes to the event flow (if required) without hesitation.

In conclusion, there is much emphasis riding on an event as a catalyst that represents a brand, and enhances the brand’s image and of-course it is a media where you get one shot at getting it right, hence, needs to be done right.

There is always a desire to employ every tool available to make the event a remarkable and memorable one, and the pre-event memo helps to achieve this in a highly professional and sophisticated way.

About Ting Tong Marketing — Pegasus Events

Ting Tong Marketing — Pegasus Events offers event management services.

We are a boutique agency backed by 14 years of experience, and have delivered more than 1500 + events for companies across different industries since 2005.This foundationally strong approach helps us accelerate growth and visibility for our clients through awesome events.

Reach out to Adnan Morbiwala — (Founder and Director) —



Adnan Morbiwala
The Event Blog

The guy who talks about random stuff. I'm a passionate Marketer who is also the events guy.