The Daily Practice

Aditya Bharadwaj
The Everyday Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2016


This article was first published on my personal blog.

I recently completed reading the book “Choose Yourself” by James Altucher. This is one of the most amazing Self-Help Book I have read in a long time. There is just one advice in this book of 276 pages, which is also the very apt title of the book “Choose Yourself”.

This seemingly simple advice when looked a closely becomes so profound that one can spend years understanding its meaning. But James’s book helps you get a basic understanding of this concept easily. But what is Choose yourself? How can one choose oneself?

The main concept of choosing yourself is that to achieve success, you have to make a conscious effort to choose it for yourself. You have to make the effort to achieve the success for yourself. But how to make that effort? And how to start? Where to start?

These questions are so dangerous that if unanswered they can stop anyone from even beginning their journey towards their dreams and desires. In this situation, the practice that comes to the rescue is The Daily Practice.

The Daily Practice

This is a practice which if followed regularly and properly would ensure that such questions which stop you from achieving your dreams will never pose a threat. The Daily Practice basically consist of four parts which are as follows:

A) Physical –

To achieve anything, one of the most important assets that you possess is your physical body. Because it’s your body that performs all the functions that you tell it to perform which take you towards achieving that dream. So it is a no-brainer that you have to take care of your body. After all, this is the only home you have to live in for the rest of your life.

B) Emotional–

Your physical body is just the outer shell which contains your mind, which in reality is the real you. The mind is what makes you, who you are. This mind has a lot of responsibilities from taking care of the body, to performing autonomous tasks, to doing the work you need to do. All these tasks require energy, which is a very scarce resource and you do not want to waste any of it on negative influences. So keep yourself close to only those minds which lift you up, and keep those far away who try to drag you down.

C) Mental –

Just like a muscle needs repetitive training to achieve strength our mind also needs exercise and training to grow. To grow a muscle one has to consistently give it more than it can take, we have to do the same with our mind to make it grow. For this the simplest exercise one can do is to write down 10 ideas daily. These ideas can be anything, may it be ideas to improve your productivity or an idea to make a device which catches mosquitoes, just make your mind muscle to sweat. Because this is what will make it grow.

D) Spiritual-

Spirit is that part of your existence which basically powers your entire being. This spirit also needs energy which gets depleted while making sure you maintain your willpower to keep working towards your goal. The most common way that I have heard about which enhances your spirituality and help recharge it is Gratitude. I have been told by my best friend hundreds of time to show gratitude, which is a very simple activity. Just once in a day remember and thank everyone and everything good that happened to you during that day. Whether you got a shorter line at the cafeteria or your motorcycle got punctured at the right moment which saved you from a crash on the highway. Just be thankful.

This Daily Practice is new for me as well, but I am going to commit to this fully. And hopefully, we will see its magic just as James has witnessed over the years.

What do you feel about the Daily Practice? Do you think it can be helpful? Or have you tried this already? Share your thoughts in the Response section below.

And if you feel this practice can help someone you know then do share it with them, your friends and family.

And don’t forget to recommend.

P.S.: Visit my personal blog by clicking here, to find out more about me and my articles.

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Aditya Bharadwaj
The Everyday Blog

Bearded philosopher with a motorcycle touring disorder!