4 In-Demand Skills To Boost Your Freelance Income

Yes, you can get paid $250 per hour.

Francesca Angeles
The Everyday Freelancer
3 min readApr 28, 2023


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Freelancers have their own specialty. To each their own in this booming gig economy. (Did I just rhyme?)

If you’re a freelancer and you’ve found your specialty services: congratulations!

I’m glad you’ve found your sweet spot in this competitive world. It just gets better from here.

But if you’re:

  • feeling stuck
  • not happy with your current skill set
  • thinking of giving other services to boost your income

This might be a good read for you.

Don’t worry, I’m not here to hard sell you any course or hacks. I’m just here to inspire. Because at the end of the day, I can’t tell you what to do. I can only share what’s on my mind, but it’s up to you to take action.

So if you’re open to getting inspired, here are 4 in-demand skills that can boost your freelance income this year.

1/ SEO writing

If you’re good at: keyword search and analysis, on-page optimization, link building

Your skills in SEO writing is a godsend for clients. You can help clients by improving their company website so that it ranks in Google and other search engines. Businesses love that.

Your keywords will let search engines know what your client is offering aka companies will pay you for some peace of mind. Am I right?

I thought you should know: SEO experts on Upwork can charge up to $250 per hour. That could be you!

2/ Support

If you’re good at: data entry, customer service software, basic troubleshooting

Another in-demand skill is providing email, phone, and chat support.

You’re basically the front facing person for a business and clients need you so that they can instead concentrate on the backend.

When customers have questions or concerns about a company’s products, that’s where your customer service kicks in. You’ll handle customer requests via email, phone, or chat to ensure needs are met.

Before you shake your head, some customer service representatives on Upwork charge up to $40 per hour. Not bad for a job that could be done remotely forever.

3/ Accounting

If you’re good at: accounting software, understanding tax laws & regulations, financial reporting

If the love for numbers runs in your blood, this might be your thing.

I would actually envy you because I’m trying to love numbers, but it just doesn’t love me back!

You can boost your freelance income by auditing and analyzing financial statements for others. On top of this, you can provide extra services like preparing tax-related paperwork and giving advice on cost-saving measures.

Plus points if you have a CPA certification! Some clients are keen about that.

Accountants on Upwork can charge up to $150 per hour. This might be your sign to put your mathematical and computer skills to use.

4/ Graphic Design

If you’re good at: design software, typography, color theory

I’m sure you already know, but visuals are everything nowadays!

Take a chance on offering freelance graphic design services. A lot of clients need freelancers who can create social media materials for many consumer-facing material. They already have the information they need to convey, they just need someone to make it creative.

You could be designing websites, brochures, social media posts… it’s a long list!

To give you the bigger picture, graphic designers on Upwork can charge up to $145 per hour. So, yes, your creativity can take you places.

Before you go, I’ll say it again: The gig economy is booming.

Endless opportunities for freelancers are available every single day.

Whether you’ve found your specialty service or you’re still currently searching for your place in the freelance world, know that this is just the beginning. Your today looks different from your tomorrow, and that’ll happen if you take action.

Don’t be afraid to step out of your bubble and try something new. Remember, the sky’s the limit! So, go out there, explore, and let your talents shine.

If you enjoyed this, I think you’ll love the 4 Side Hustles To Make Extra Money On The Side. I wrote this story because you can make money from anywhere. Regardless if you’re a freelancer or have a 9–5 job. Lastly, please don’t hesitate to connect with me on Twitter and LinkedIn. I’d be happy to spend some 1:1 time with you to help you build a profitable and rewarding freelance career.

