I Live By These 3 Tips To Make My Freelance Life Enjoyable & Productive

I’m finally sharing these stupidly simple tips because I want you to know you can have it too.

Francesca Angeles
The Everyday Freelancer
3 min readFeb 24, 2023


Wanting to be productive is easy, but actually staying productive is a whole other ball game.

Here’s why time, hobbies, and kindness help freelancers stay and thrive in the productive lane.

I can’t stress enough how important productivity is to me.

In a nutshell, I’m:
- a full-time freelancer
- a 24/7 dog mom
- a faceless YouTube vlogger
- always doing house chores

That’s just 4 bullet points but these 4 things are my whole life right now.

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

I’m sharing my 3 tips on how I keep my freelance life productive and enjoyable:

1. I take care of my time.

One important element in my daily freelancer life: time.

I have house chores, errands, dogs, and deadlines in my head everyday. The best thing I can do for myself? Work-life balance.

My time is important. Don’t waste it.
Just because I’m available anytime, doesn’t mean anytime’s a good time to call me. Know your basic right as a freelancer!
Here’s a great time tracking tool that I’ve used for the longest time.

When you stop agonizing over the fact that you don’t have time for yourself, you’ll start focusing on getting more work done.

2. I have a hobby.

I highly suggest this to anyone because hobbies put life in our lives.

Hobbies provide a healthy escape from work-related stress.

I get bored easily so it’s difficult for me to stick to one hobby. One thing I incredibly enjoyed is making beaded bracelets.

A handful of the beaded bracelets I made myself. Taken on Feb. 24, 2023.

When you give yourself the chance to do simple and enjoyable things, the enjoyment spills over to the more serious things.

3. I’m kind to myself.

This seems too simple but a lot of people are actually not very kind to themselves.

What I mean here is I understand who I am and what I can do.

I am being kind to myself by giving myself achievable goals.
I am being kind to myself by celebrating small wins.
I am being kind to myself by putting myself first.

Having realistic expectations means higher chances of achieving goals. Ultimately, showing yourself how productive you can be when you’re kind.

Productivity is important to everyone, but somehow we all need some help on how to become more productive people.

Productivity is not hardwired in all of us.

There’s no one-size-fits-all productivity hack that will work for every single human being on earth, unfortunately. But hopefully, what works for me provides inspiration for you:

Achieve a work-life balance that works for you by taking care of your time.

Have a simple and enjoyable hobby that will make every waking day bearable.

Be kind to yourself by understanding who you are and the magnitude of what you can do.

