The Fortune is in the follow up

Robert Maisano
The Everyday Post
Published in
1 min readDec 17, 2018


They say there’s fortune in the follow up. This is true. Most people don’t respond to the first message, ad, or phone call. Following up is what gets a response. But plenty of brands fail at following up on social.

Paid advertising on nearly every social media platform has its best results from retargeting those who’ve seen the first run of ads. Clients have told me they’ve run ads and saw some success but not enough to keep it going. It’s a shame because they were so close at experiencing the power of social media marketing.

Most social platforms offer resources on how to setup a retargeting campaign. Be sure to install a pixel on your website before you start any more ads. This allows you to track those who’ve seen or engaged with your ad.

Once you have retargeting campaigns underway and measure the behavior there you’ll learn a lot more about your customers.

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Robert Maisano
The Everyday Post

Writer. Bylines: Motley Fool, Thrive Global, Business Insider, Thought Catalog. Author of the illustrated novel Crystalline.