Unattended Customers
Today I’m in Philadelphia. I was on my way to Independence Hall when I stopped off in a shop called Omoi Zakka. It was here I noticed the staff was very friendly but not pushy. They let you wander around, unattended, not caring (at least to me) that the unwatched crowds could easily shoplift. Before I knew it, I was in a long checkout line with other customers who found eclectic products they all of a sudden needed.
They let the store do the talking. The layout, the lighting, the products all matched the brand of the shop. It worked. The staff needn’t push, hover, or pry.
This is why well-designed e-commerce sites and social platforms sell effectively. By making a destination inviting and easy to browse, such as Instagram or Huckberry, you don’t need to push the products. By leaving your users, readers, viewers uninterrupted and allowing them to enjoy your content, they’ll eventually feel comfortable enough to buy.
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