He Says He Wants to Stay friends

More often than not they don't mean it.

Patricia Vilchez
The Everyday Reflection


Photo by James Barr on Unsplash

After ending a situationship the guy in question asked me to stay friends. Except that for the following months, he never behaved like a real one.

Natalie from Baggage Reclaim has written about this extensively:

He says: Let’s be friends.

Translation: I want to keep a foot in the door, hit you up for a shag and an ego stroke on occasion, and stop you from moving on by hinting that we might be together again. — Natalie Lue

Here is the thing: a good amount of men offer “friendship” because it is a way of keeping the door open for still getting laid. That's one of the main motives as to why they offer such an agreement, it's in the hopes of getting sex.

Also in the hopes of getting validation, attention, and affection from you. Yes, for emotional support: a shoulder to cry on and obviously other ulterior motives.

Now despite of what I just stated above, of course, there are guys who do offer genuine friendship. — How can you tell if they mean it?

Well to start with: he won't try to get in your pants. He won't message you late at night and make sexual comments. He won't try to kiss or touch you like a lover when you are together. Simply put he will…



Patricia Vilchez
The Everyday Reflection

I am a foreign young woman living and dating in Paris, sharing my experiences and some life lessons advice I pattu.v01@gmail.com