Writing Tips

The Easy Method to Obtain Free to Use Images

Ensuring the images you use are copyright free

Sam H Arnold
The Write Hustle
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2021


Images are essential to any writing. They break up the text and attract readers. Read any article on writing tips, and they will mention the importance of having an excellent eye-catching image.

Many writers, when they start, do not understand the complex nature of using images in their work. You can't use the picture if you do not have permission or have purchased the copyright. It might be the perfect image, but using it could leave you in trouble later on. Especially if the owner of the image comes looking for their publishing rights. This is why it is essential to find a quality, free to use image.

Just because you found it doesn't mean you can use it.

It doesn't matter if you credit the artist and link back to the source. If you don't have the right to publish the picture, you can still be sued. Using an image from a website and citing it as the source is not good enough. You have to have permission to use it.

Copyright stands unless otherwise stated.

As soon as a person publishes a picture they took, the image has automatic copyright. The only time this is not the case is with…



Sam H Arnold
The Write Hustle

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