Minions, Monsters, and Henchmen: The Unsung Heroes of Havoc

Welcome back to the devilishly delightful symphony of our evil scheming. Now that we’ve dived into the intricacies of villain design, it’s time to turn our attention to those often overlooked heroes of our narratives — our underlings. They’re the unsung heroes, the cog in our diabolical machines, the ham in our evil sandwiches. Without them, how would any of our magnificent schemes come to fruition?

Let’s be clear: Underlings are more than just a meat shield for our heroes to hack and slash through. They serve a purpose, a role in our narrative. They set the stage for our grand entrances, they carry out our wicked whims, they even ensure the lava traps are well-maintained (a full-time job, believe me).

How then, do we create underlings who serve our narrative and aren’t merely cannon fodder? Let’s delve into the delightfully dark details:

1. Everyone has a Story: Yes, even the hundredth goblin the heroes have slain. Maybe he was two days away from retirement. Maybe he was an expert mushroom chef. Maybe he held the record for the ‘Longest Lizard Toss’ in the annual Goblin Games. An underling with a story, however short-lived, is more memorable than an anonymous grunt.

2. Purposeful Placement: It’s tempting to fill your dark fortress with endless hordes of mindless minions. But remember, each underling should serve a purpose. Are they there to slow the heroes, to misdirect them, to simply give them a false sense of security? Every minion matters. I know, it sounds like a motivational poster in a goblin break room, but it’s true.

3. A Dash of Distinctiveness: Giving your underlings distinguishing features or quirks adds flavor to your narrative. Think about it, is it more memorable to be attacked by a generic orc or an orc with a bright pink mohawk who sings sea shanties mid-battle?

4. Humour is a Henchman’s Best Friend: Never underestimate the power of a well-timed comedic moment. A goblin who can’t remember the secret password, a troll with a fear of bridges, a vampire with a lisp — these moments of humor make your underlings memorable and endearing, and can lighten a tense narrative.

5. Underling’s Upkeep: Remember, underlings aren’t self-sustaining. They need food, rest, morale, and yes, even dental benefits (have you seen a troll with toothache? It’s not pretty). Showing these aspects adds depth to your narrative and gives a sense of realism to your world.

In the grand tapestry of our malevolent machinations, underlings play a crucial role. They are the unsung heroes, the hidden helpers, the diligent doers. Treat them with the respect they deserve, and they’ll repay you by becoming memorable parts of your narrative.

Tune in next time, when we’ll explore the fine art of setting our stages.

Until then, keep your lairs clean, your minions motivated, and your plans perplexing. And always remember, an underling a day keeps the heroes at bay.

