8 | Copy Editing Alter-Egos

The Exhibit 2020
4 min readNov 3, 2020


The Grade 8 class have been tasked to create alter-egos that they will use for the rest of the school year! Names have been kept anonymous for future reasons.

P.S. If you find this emoji (🎇) beside your work, that means yours is my favorite and that you get a star.

Here’s the line-up:


Abis, as seen from the meaning of his name, is known for his quickness and attentiveness on his jobs sent in by his clients.

Copy edit quick and keen! Mistakes are hidden, so make it seen.


Her appearance is a mixture of a celebrity who has keen eyes for mistakes, another celebrity who has an outgoing personality, and a celebrity who was part of the Top 10 Celebrities With the Best Grammar on Twitter

Act on your mistakes and avoid doing them a second time.


This dude is nothing.

Make your works simple and short! Make sure to see errors and make them simple and correct.


She grew up in an Asian household so she is very fierce and sneaky and qualifies well as a detective.

Work sneakily and they won’t see you coming.

Captain Bruet

He can’t be easily identified because of his mask and how fast he is.

Keep trying until you get it.


If anyone wants their work to be more exciting, Ishiikari is there to help.

Stop being a lazy chicken nugget, and get to work!


My ego is a distempered psychopath and sociopath (who copy edits).

Wake up.


Summer is quiet and is one to be a loner. She is creative and quick to think of new ideas.

Edit for others. Their smiles matter most.

JKF (John Kennedy F)

Blow your mind!!!

Deleena Miles

Just like in grammar, she corrects the errors that people make about time or the tenses.

Change your mistakes; don’t leave them.


Seth is an average, normal tv-head who likes peace. He is currently a student who has somewhat ok copy edits with a part-time job at an appliance store.

Don’t rush. Accuracy is what matters the most!


She is kind of like the grammar teacher in the dance world.

Convey the feeling of a song through dancing. Express your thoughts clearly through Grammar.


Alpha is the leader of the pack.

Don’t rush, and see things clearly.

🎇 Los Raros Claros

Los Raros, an individual with different personalities, moves in a weird and questionable manner striving for creativity and uniqueness in all.

View texts in other perspectives, not only yours!

Paul McDonald

He works as an executive by day hiding his innate interests. He makes beautiful composition on a regular basis mostly applauded by his midnight blue curtains and his pet dog Ringo.

Talent is not supposed to be hidden. Show it up! Never be afraid to make mistakes. Learn from it!


Supn likes to think about several ways he can improve a single part of his work. He finds many solutions and alternatives, and he decides which one will work best based on efficiency and eye-catchiness.

There are many good alternatives, but only one perfect one.

