8 | Riddle Me This

Best Riddles by the Grade 8 Students

The Exhibit 2020
3 min readOct 31, 2020


The Grade 8 English class revolved a lot around mystery in the first quarter: Riddles in the Dark, a chapter in The Hobbit, and mystery in hunting for grammatical errors in bulks of paragraphs.

One of their tasks for their first quarterly project involved mystery too. The students had to compose a riddle involving grammatical errors that would form a clue, their fantasy race for literature class, and deductive or inductive reasoning.

Here are my two favorite riddles from the first quarter. Try to look out for the grammatical errors hidden in the riddles by the students. Form clues with these errors to figure out the riddles’ answers.

Parul’s Riddle

Bilbo had been separated from his friends in the forest, and he had been walking alone. Sudenly, the ground started shaking, and a big hole appeared. A huge snake with a crown on his head popped out.

“Hello there , you tiiny creature,” he said.

“Hello, majesty off the serpents,” Bilbo said in a scared voice.

“You have almost reached the end of this dreadful forest, and you need to be very wise to continue; therefore, solve this riddle.”

Bilbo gulped.

“A troll has been lying in an area for 10 years. The area is filled with notthing but trees, but the troll isn’t dead,”

“How has she been lying there for 10 years, and still she remains to be alive?”

Bilbo at first was confused, but the answer was suddenly clear to him.

“He turned to stone because trolls turn to stone during day time.”

The serpent let him pass.

He reached the endd of the forest and met Gandalf.

“Did the others make it?” asked Bilbo

Gandalf frowned, then shook his head.

Izhi’s Riddle

It was a ery dark and cloudy night. No rain was present, although there was barely anyone in the streets of Truckland. There was a girl, however, walking around the streets with an umbrella. People called her ‘the wanderer’ as she always walked around her town.

On this particular night, the girl was walking alongside somone. They were covered by a dark robe that covered everything except their legs, which were covered by black trousers.

The girl and the person were holding hands, walking in the rain without a care. Tey eventually turned right in an alleyway.

Some people said that the mysterious person visited the town every three days, some people say four, but the lttle girl knew that they visited every day, and that they were just very well hidden.

As they reached the back of the alley, the person took off their robe, revealing a feminine figure. The mysterious person gave the robe to the girl, and touched the wall, making it glow.

“I will see you again tomorrow, little one. You know I visit everyday,” the person said.

“Yes miss, I know,” the little girl said.

The feminine figure rouched down to the little girl’s level.

“Here’s a new question for you: I am part of the culture, neither a song nor a dance, not a sport or a game, but everyone knows my name. What am I?” the older woman said.

The little girl giggled ightly. She knew that one. It was way too obvious.

“I expect to see you again tomorrow miss,” the little girl said.

“Of course darling, I never miss out on our schedule,” the older woman continued, “See you then.”

She disappeared into the wall and left her robe with the little girl.

The little girl smiled, and walked back hom.

