3 Lessons Learned from the Exosphere Academy

I left the same job for the third time, sold my old car to be there, and why you should do the same.

Rainer Borene
Exosphere Stories
3 min readOct 18, 2016


Know thyself. If I had to concisely summarize my experience, there would only be these two words because this program is not just about learning how to code, design, or create the next successful mobile application that will make you a millionaire overnight.

It’s about much more than that. It is about introspection and changing the lens with which you see the world.

Lesson #1: If you’re not getting the expected results it’s probably because you still lack some necessary knowledge

Luckily, that is a variable you can change easily in the information age.

I spent my whole life thinking that technical skills were everything I needed to create something from the ground up but I was so damn wrong… and my failures are proof of that.

It doesn’t matter how skilled you are or how smart you seem to be if you can’t communicate your idea to the world in the right way. To achieve that, you need to learn skills that are completely unrelated with technology.

I’ve looked for mentors through books, webinars, conferences, and dedicated my time studying those areas which are my weak points.

If you’re a technical person, then you should read about copywriting, sales, and marketing. If you don’t know how to code, go to CodeSchool, Team TreeHouse, and sign up for online courses.

There’s a process for everything. The moment you stop looking at just one part of the product, and focus on the big picture then you will see how the dots are connected.

I believe you need to know enough of all parts of the system but be a specialist in at least one area to prosper in the current economy.

Lesson #2: It’s possible to design your life the way you always wanted it to be.

Of course, there will be variables that won’t be under your control, but the moment you take full responsibility of the actions that happen in your life, your perspective changes.

If you look at your own life, you could measure your experiences over the decades and see the events that shaped who you are today, be it positively or negatively.

Take one step back and think where we as a human species are in space and time. From the dinosaur extinction to the YouTube generation, a lot of things happened during these billions of years that you can’t even imagine.

We are so used to live with those apps in our hands that sometimes we forgot the underlying history that made possible this “portable pocket computer” have the same processing power of the spaceship that brought Man to the Moon.

But why am I saying all this to you? Because if you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. Same principle applies to struggles with family, relationships, business, or any area in life but on a different scale.

And this leads us to the last lesson.

Lesson #3: Knowing who you are, your guiding principles, and your beliefs are the key elements to move forward in life. But even more important is being able to destroy everything you believe and start again from scratch.

Every human is fighting a battle inside themselves. It’s up to you to follow your internal voice, your calling to life, or ignore it and live a miserable life doing things you hate.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.

You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Remember: all I’m offering is the truth. Nothing more.

Attending Exosphere Academy is like taking the red pill.

This post was written by Rainer Borene An Exosphere Academy alumnus from 2016. If you are interested on Rainer’s experience described check out the Exosphere Academy website.

