Funding the World’s Untapped Genius

Announcing Exosphere Labs — Providing capital and infrastructure to enable exceptional talent to develop innovative technologies.

Luke Blackburn
Exosphere Stories
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2015


At Exosphere, we believe that 80% of the world’s geniuses (IQ 130 or above) currently will not have the chance to realize their potential, simply because of where they were born.

If you look at the world’s population of 15–25 year olds, that is 20 million people who are out of luck. Mainly because they were born in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Skinner Layne — Exosphere Founder

In our team’s travels over the past 3 years at Exosphere, we’ve worked with people from 43 different countries to begin a journey of self-reliance, and to unveil a world view they previously didn’t know was possible for them.

We have met biologists who want to engineer microbes that change the toxicity of heavy metals, so that mining wastewater disasters, like the one on the Rio Doce in Brazil, don’t happen again.

We have met former drug dealers who cleaned up their act, with a passion to create specialized hydroponic vertical grow systems to feed starving populations around the world.

We have met neuroscientists that want to develop algorithms to give people the platform to control electronic devices only with their thoughts.

With each one of these incredible stories, we always heard a, “If I could, I would” tone to their voice. More appropriately, a kind of, “If I won the lottery, this is what I would do.” As opposed to a confidence of knowing how to do it and where to begin.

Since then, we’ve played a role in connecting them with a team that compliments their vision and helped build an infrastructure that allows them to focus on what they uniquely can do.

During this time, one of the things we quickly realized is that all around the world, there are genius level individuals that are being underutilized, and their awesome talents are being wasted.

The majority who live outside the first world are working manual labor or for basic jobs that put food on the table. The lucky minority, who were born in the right place at the right time, are either working under artificial constraints in corporate research, buried by the monotony of paper and grant writing in academia, or burnt out from trying to run companies when their true passions lie outside commercial pursuits.

So as our hunch became a hypothesis and our hypothesis a proven theory, one in which we all now live by, we knew our next step was to build Exosphere Labs.

Exosphere Labs is more than just an investment fund.

Exosphere Labs has been developed as an engine that will drive solutions to the world’s biggest problems by leveraging our unique access to the source of the biggest solutions: unhindered human capital.

Exosphere has a unique ability to attract and recruit high-level talent. We understand them and their frequent challenges, because many people in our community were once where they are now. We understand people in a way that very few other modern-day organizations do.

We understand many, if not most, brilliant minds of the world just want to be tinkering, playing, and creating. They want to be challenged and they want to push the boundaries of fields in which they are interested. They don’t want to be writing grant papers or justifying their tenure. They don’t want to be on hiring boards or at fundraising events. They want to be all in on their vision.

Our global network is growing in an unparalleled way because our existing members are helping us uncover our next members. We frequently receive calls or emails from alumni saying, “Hey, you have to meet this person, they are changing the world of X. I think they would be an awesome fit at Exosphere.”

In addition to investing into existing teams and business models, Exosphere Labs is investing into emerging technology research and development labs. The labs will be specialized in fields such as synthetic biology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain technologies, brain computer interface, materials science, etc.

The technologies and inventions that are developed will need to be commercialized and turned into startups that search for a sustainable business model. This is where our existing network will come into play. The current and alumni members of Exosphere will have the first chance at building these startups from the technologies that are developed in the labs.

We have a place for those who want to build technology and expand the realms of science. And we have a place for those who want to provide value to people through startups.

The tagline of Exosphere is “Disturb the Universe.” Exosphere Labs is the natural next step in our evolution to empower those who raise their hands and say they believe the biggest problems of the world are solvable and that they are willing to do the hard work that it takes to accomplish it.

Aligning people within their true calling is the first step to solving these problems and Exosphere Labs is leading the charge. We invite you to join us and to disturb the universe together.

Good things to come,

Luke Blackburn

No matter your skills, talents, or abilities, check out the Exosphere website and see how you can paint yourself into this game-changing story.

Stay connected to the Exosphere Labs website for news and updates or if you want to participate in the investment fund.

Thanks to Andy Ellwood for inspiration and editing.

