Return of the Barfing Unicorn

Claudia Bates
The Expansion Partner Blog
2 min readMay 28, 2019

Back in 2016, JP Morgan Asset Management made a serious and eloquent comment on its concerns for the performance of recently-listed tech unicorns in the public markets, with a chart featuring a barfing unicorn.

Source: Matt Levine in Bloomberg, reproducing a chart from J.P. Morgan Asset Management

In an exercise that is in no way derivative, we decided to have a look at how those same unicorns listed between 2011 and 2015 were faring out in the wild three years later. Amid a spate of 2019 IPOs, we also looked at the share price performance of some more recently listed US tech companies, and at some listed European tech companies, for comparison. We produced our own barfing unicorn, though the vomit appears less warranted now than in 2016.

