5 Signs You May Want to Become an Expat

You may want to become an expat if you resonate with these five signs.

Kade Maijala
The Expat Chronicles
5 min readFeb 3, 2023


Photo created by the author.

Moving from your home country and becoming an expat in a faraway land is a huge decision that takes a lot of faith in yourself. So, how do you know if you want to become an expat?

You never know for sure. I reconsidered my decision to move to China from time to time until I got on the plane in 2020(link). Yet, there were sure signs and feelings that I had along the way that helped show me I was going along the right path.

What were these signs? I'm going to break down all 5, so you can see if they correlate with your feelings. Maybe you'll become the next expat!

If you correlate with any of these signs and feel they've struck a cord, you can read my guide on becoming an expat for free!

1. You're longing for travel

Picture by Udo on Pixabay

Getting out of your hometown and experiencing the world is one of the most beautiful parts of expat life. If your old routine is getting old and you want to get out and see new things, the expat life may be for you.

However, only some people who want to travel will translate into an expat lifestyle. If funds and time permit, take at least one international trip before becoming an expat to see if you're comfortable with this significant change. Cultures, languages, and the way of life differ from place to place.

If you have the skills and mentality to adapt to new situations, the expat experience will be much better.

I knew I wanted to go abroad when I was tired of my hometown and wanted life experience outside of just living in the United States. This feeling grew more and more until I decided, "F it, I'm going to go."

2. You want to broaden your knowledge of the world

Photo by Murtaza Ali on Pixabay

Going hand in hand with our last entry, you may want to experience the world and learn more about cultures other than your own. This is one of the most significant driving factors for many to become expats.

Not only will you have the opportunity to learn more about your host country (as long as you keep an open mind), but you'll also be able to meet expats from all over the world. These relationships can help you become comfortable in your new home and open up new experiences you would have never had before.

An example is when I stayed up until 5 in the morning watching the rugby world cup wearing a South African Springboks jersey. It was my first time watching rugby, and I was all in because my friends explained the rules. If I hadn't come to China j never would have become a fan!

3. You're interested in new languages

Photo by Willi Heidelbach on Pixabay

Want to learn a language? It's best to go to the source.

You may be interested in learning a new language; that's great! Depending on the country you want to move to, you can immerse yourself in a new language. This is the best way to learn paired with classes or personal studying.

Living in a country that speaks your desired language helps prop you forward in your learning. Of course, knowing some of the languages before moving is a massive plus to increasing your quality of life, but it is only sometimes necessary.

4. You're tired of the same old thing

Image by Shlomaster on Pixabay

Are you getting bored of the same routine day in and day out? Perhaps becoming an expat is a bit of an extreme fix to this problem, but it's a definite opportunity!

I'm not saying you should run away from your problems by becoming an expat; many I know have tried, and it hasn't translated all that well. Yet, if you want to freshen up your life and spice it up with some excitement moving across the world will get the job done!

5. You have an open mind for new things

Photo by Alfonso Cerezo from Pixabay

As I previously mentioned, you need to have an open mind to have the whole expat experience and enjoy your time.

No one wants to be the expat who only eats at McDonald's every day; that's just boring. New foods, drinks, activities, and many other things demand you to keep your mind open and have a yes-man attitude.

If you say no to every new thing, expat life may not be for you. Yet, if you're a subscriber to the "yes theory," then this opportunity is one that you should seriously consider. You can be a part of many beautiful things and experiences as an expat; you need to believe it!

Think long and hard

Changing from your everyday life to an expat lifestyle is a substantial change that can take a lot out of you financially, mentally, and physically. You must decide if pursuing this life is really for you.

Luckily for you, I've posted numerous blogs on this topic to help guide you along the way. Two are "4 Reasons to Become an Expat" and "5 Things Expats Can't Live Without". If these five signs piqued your interest, it's best to check them out!

If you could be an expat in any country, what country would you choose? Comment down below!!

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