A Letter, Home

Chriistine Kearney
The Expat Chronicles
1 min readJul 19, 2020
When your feeling far from home, remember we are all under the same sun.

Home is a feeling, I can’t quiet explain it

more calming than soft waves crashing or light rain falling.

Home is a person, I can’t quiet describe

she fills me with love, and lifts me great heights.

Home is a place, I can never imagine

memories and pictures can do her no justice.

Home is a sound, I will always remember

the chaos, and silence when to sleep we surrender.

Home has a scent, I can never deny

too overwhelming at times, you can’t help but to cry.

Home is to where, my mind goes each day

and one thing I know, home is where it will stay.



Chriistine Kearney
The Expat Chronicles

Irish living in the Cayman Islands. Exploring creativity through writing in the hope of publishing a book one day!