A Six-Month Update

Six months after moving back home

Alfie Jane
The Expat Chronicles


Photo by Nils Nedel on Unsplash

Back in September, I quit my job and made preparations to move back to America. I was burned out from my job. I didn’t want to work for other people anymore.

Six months ago, today, I left Beijing. A lot happened since I’ve been back in the States. I wasn’t expecting the world to be turned upside down in that six months, but it’s given me time to pause and think about the hardest parts to readjust.

Everything I mention adjusting to were the things I had a hard time getting used to again. Some of you had different experiences than I did. And that’s okay. These are the things I had to readjust to, and you might need to too.

Take your time with readjusting

It’s okay to take a break after being away for a while. If you don’t have to get a job right away, don’t. Being away for so long and readjusting to your culture takes more time than people realize when they come home.

For starters, it’ll take at least two weeks to get your sleep schedule back to normal. No matter how hard you work to stay awake all day, you’re going to crash. Unless your support group lived abroad before, no one’s going to understand why you don’t want to take a nap.

