Afraid To Move Abroad? Here’s How You Can Overcome the Fear & Just Go.

Kayla Marie
The Expat Chronicles
5 min readJun 22, 2020


This year I accomplished my largest global goal: moving abroad.

You could say I’ve been training for this moment for years.

Exposed to travel, a.k.a., family vacations, from a young age, I learned to enjoy travel. Yet later in life, travel became more than enjoying sights and relaxation.

It was about experiencing new cultures, meeting people, and appreciating the way others lived in our world.

In my early twenties, I visited family in the Philippines, studied abroad in South Africa, and volunteered in Panama. Then, in my mid-twenties, after college ended, I backpacked solo through Costa Rica and then moved to Taiwan.

My life is essentially fueled by travel goals, but taking on these goals takes a brave mentality and commitment. But the truth is, you don’t have to have travel experiences like I do to do it, you just have to want it.

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you dream of moving abroad and fear and uncertainty are getting in the way. Maybe you know exactly where you want to move, or you have no idea, but just want to live abroad.

If you find fear holding you back, here are some ways to start working towards your goal to live abroad, fight off doubt, and…



Kayla Marie
The Expat Chronicles

I was the kid reading NatGeo in the waiting room • I write about content creation and expat life • Based in Taiwan • Find me on YouTube: