Come Write for the Expat Chronicles!

Alfie Jane
The Expat Chronicles
2 min readSep 12, 2019


Photo by Dariusz Sankowski on Unsplash

As I’ve wandered through different Medium publications, I’ve noticed there were a couple that were about travel. However, I haven’t seen any publications about living the expat life. It’s a unique experience that people should try at least once in their lives.

The purpose of this publication is to tell stories of the world and inspire others to see the world for themselves. Maybe it’ll give them that extra push they need to see the world for themselves.

If you’re interested in writing for us, please, comment below saying you want to be a writer! Together, we can inspire others to see what else is in this world.


Please edit your story before sending them to me. If I’m spending more time editing mistakes than reading the story, I won’t take it.

Because this is about expat living, feel free to use your own pictures when you write your stories! Make sure you caption where you are in the picture.

Now, a lot of people come live abroad to either study or work. If you’re writing to complain about your job or to complain about the group, that will not be tolerated. You never know who could be reading these articles, and who you could be hurting with complaints.

