Interesting Facts About the City of Jönköping, Sweden

A.k.a. “the Jerusalem of Sweden”

Annika Wappelhorst
The Expat Chronicles


Sunset on Munksjön in January 2022. Photo by author

“Jönköping?”, you might think, “never heard of that.” Well, it made it into the top ten of Sweden’s biggest cities. Along with an eventful history and beautiful nature, it has a practical location right between Stockholm in the North-East and Göteborg in the West. So you might as well stop by Jönköping on your next trip to Sweden!

I’ve lived here for one and a half years so far and highly encourage you to visit “Jkpg”, as the tourist information and locals abbreviate it.

It’s a Match!

In 1844, A Swedish chemist came up with safety matches as an alternative to toxic phosphorus matches. Jönköping then became home to the very first safety match factor in the world. The city still has a match museum and a whole “Match area” (Tändsticksområdet) with beautiful red brick buildings. One of these houses has become a student accommodation, known among students as “Match House” and popular because of its low prices, big rooms and central location.

Photo by author

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Annika Wappelhorst
The Expat Chronicles

I write about living in different countries, learning languages, doing yoga and conducting media & communication research.