Travel / Jamaica

The Best Thing About Living in Jamaica

It’s not the Jerk Chicken, though that is the driver of it.

Scott-Ryan Abt
The Expat Chronicles
6 min readJan 28, 2022


Chateau 7 Jerk Center / Stoney Hil, Kingston, Jamaica / Photo by author

I have lived in Kingston, Jamaica since June of 2021. Coming here from a large, chaotic, hot city in a developing country on the coast of East Africa, this place sometimes feels like a relief. But Kingston is also described in the same way, sometimes — excluding the East Africa part — but definitely including the traffic part.

I love living here and am starting to write about it a bit, as a non-Jamaican who has only scratched the surface of the place.

Here are the nuts and bolts of living life as an expat here.

Here are some realizations that have occurred to me about the difference in motivation, experience and expectations in being an expat and being an immigrant, after 7 years living abroad in different places.



Scott-Ryan Abt
The Expat Chronicles

Enthusiast, in transit. Pithy bon mots of life abroad and at home, the state of the world, travel, music, food, cocktails, cleverish observations.