Why So Many Foreigners Love Studying in Sweden

I asked some of them

Annika Wappelhorst
The Expat Chronicles


Inside the building for communication and educational studies at Jönköping University. Photo by author

Let’s face it: Sweden is rather cold, has little daylight in winter and, with its low population density, is not made for lovers of huge urban centers, skyscrapers and the like. Yet, it is an attractive study location for internationals. Flat hierarchies, small classes and modern technology on campus are some of the things that amazed me in Sweden. In the summer of 2022, I completed my 2-year master’s program at Jönköping University and then worked as a lecturer there in different courses for a few months.

However, I cannot speak for every person, university, program and city, so I asked several German students in Sweden about their study experience, and produced a podcast episode with it — in German, unfortunately. This article summarizes the most important points and quotes!

Looking good

“The student accommodation was luxuriously furnished, from the common room to the kitchen; the university had lots of rooms where you could sit and study, workplaces with computers, labs and a big library. It invited you to spend time on campus with your study groups.” — Martin, a former physics student in Luleå

“The rooms at university are really well-equipped, with mics, screens and cameras. That’s super cool. I’m not used to that…



Annika Wappelhorst
The Expat Chronicles

I write about life in Sweden and other countries, language learning, doing yoga and conducting media & communication research.