- The Purpose of (Why)

Manish Chauhan
The Experience of Design
3 min readDec 31, 2021
(Fig: 14.3) THE GOLDEN CIRCLE: Start with Why (Sinek, 2011)

Too often designers begin their process at the how(task enabler) (Chimero, 2012) rather than the why (objective motivator) (Thomas and McDonagh, 2013). and even more organisations don’t even know “why” they-do what they-do.

This purpose and northern star (Fig: 14.3) provides an emotional connection of cause and belief for the organisation. (Sinek, 2011) These propositions can change consumer insights (diagnose, relevance & meaning) into motivational drivers for change or action. Determined (ideas & value) these can then be more precisely defined, internalised and articulated to the audience across the brands channel. (Ambrose and Harris, 2002) This secondary social purpose (Fig: 14.1) is critical as users live in a haptic-society, converting delighted customers into meaningful financial goals. (Smith et al., 2015)

“Why unlocks a new form of beauty by making choices observable so they can be discussed and considered… The question leads us to a different conclusion… How to do the work or what it should be.”
- Frank Chimero author of The Shape of Design

Every organisation knows what they do, these are products they sell or the services they offer. (Sinek, 2011) This tangible reason and rational proof of life (purpose) (Legorburu and McColl, 2014) is commonly known as a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) and informs each stage of the thinking process. (Ambrose and Harris, 2002)

“In an increasingly competitive world differentiation and going back to your brands DNA and vision can aspire to empower through desirability… And by underlined these three facets will ensure a targeted delivery of an idea.”
- Leslie Gulliver a Design Council Associate and Brand Strategist.

Storyscaping: Short term function information and style with Purpose approached cause and belief worlds.(Legorburu and McColl, 2014)

Some organisations know how they do it. These are the things that make them special or set them apart from the competition. (Sinek, 2011) These guiding principles give specific actions that are taken to deliver your purpose and the values by which you operate. (Legorburu and McColl, 2014)

(Fig: 14.1) Compressing hundreds of years of history; suffice it to say that since 330 BC zillions of other sense-making thinkers have adopted and adapted the complexity scale idea to various subject contexts. (GK and Elizabeth, 2011)



Thomas, J. and McDonagh, D. (2013) ‘Empathic design: Research strategies’, Australasian Medical Journal, 6(1), pp. 1–6. doi: 10.4066/amj.2013.1575.


Ambrose, G. and Harris, P. (2002) Basics design 08: Design thinking. Lausanne: AVA Publishing SA.

Chimero, F. (2012) The Shape of design. S.l.: S.n.

Legorburu, G. and McColl, D. (2014) Storyscaping: Stop creating ads, start creating worlds. United States: Cambridge University Press.

Sinek, S. (2011) Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. London: Portfolio/ Penguin.

Smith, S., Milligan, A., and Dyer, J. (2015) On purpose: How to deliver meaningful customer experiences across multiple channels. London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page.


GK, V. and Elizabeth, P. (2011) Next design Geographies: Understanding design thinking. 1, 2,3, 4. Available at: https:// www.linkedin.com/pulse/origins- nextdesign-geographies-gk- vanpatter

