My Vegan Life

Photo by Daniel Salcius on Unsplash
Photo by Creatv Eight on Unsplash

It’s the easiest thing in the world to me being vegan. I love the essence of it. I love the delicious foods and the health it brings. I love that it doesn’t take away from any other living thing. It’s not expensive or pretentious. It just is. I love the absence of all the non-sense foods that abound and the lack of waste. So, lots of greens, fruits, loveliness on my plate.

I go about living intuitively and always have. I won’t present you with my doctorate in nutrition as it doesn’t exist. But, I do possess a Ph.D in me. I’m qualified to speak with authority about what I do, how I think, my choices, my thoughts, my intentions so that is what I will do.

Growing up I was a dancer. I was self-aware. I still am. I have never put anything in my body that would impede it’s ability to heal itself. It is from this standpoint that I speak. It’s pretty accessible, being vegan. There are so many choices to make delicious and nutritious food. I do so for my daughter to and she likes it. I will share many of the things we enjoy. Morning routines and healthy choices.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by Michu Đăng Quang on Unsplash

Morning smoothies.

I enjoy the fact that eating this way makes me more receptive to subtle underlying flavors that over seasoned, fried, salted and sugared food hide.

Morning starters: Smoothies

Dark green is one of my favorites made up of many different ingredients.

Mango Matcha Green Smoothie — The treasure in this smoothie to me is the avocado which gives anything it touches a velvety smooth consistency and lots of rich nutrients and healthy fats for your health.

2 cups greens (1/2 kale/1/2 spinach)

1 cup mango juice

1/2 avocado

2 teaspoons matcha green tea powder —

1 teaspoon maca powder

(Maca powder comes from maca, a root vegetable of the radish family which grows in the Andes)

The beauty of eating vegan is the absence of all things unhealthy in your diet. I don’t have to have conversations with myself about anything I eat as it’s all good. It’s hard enough taking care of ourselves in a world with toxicity of all kinds abounding around. So why not make what you eat pristine and pure, natural and kind, predictable and beautiful?

Photo by LYFE Fuel on Unsplash
Photo by Matcha & CO on Unsplash



Barbara MacFarlane
My Vegan Life — The Expertise of Green

My education is in Liberal Arts/Dance/Writing having studied with Joy Harjo and Lee Connor writer and dancer respectively. But, my greatest honor is motherhood.