
My Vegan Life — Let’s Be Vegan Artisans Together

Let’s Be Vegan Creators Together!
I love creating designs for my vegan cosmetics and skincare Sentient Beauty. I’m a cosmetics maven you could say. My online eCommerce shop, Let’s Be Vegan, is where I want to showcase other vegan creators and build a community of artisans who believe a vegan lifestyle and the use of vegan products is a wonderful way to live. We have many faces to express who we are. Let your creativity help grow our community of creators here.

As a mother, I’m the ultimate creator, um… of life itself. I still have to pinch myself some days to believe it’s true. Motherhood is my biggest honor in life. I hope you’ll join me in making this community of artisans who love animals and cruelty-free practices as well as beautiful products that are made that way. We’ll all benefit from making it grow as we will create a virtual marketplace and extend our reach to engage people who’ll love what we do too.
My education is in Liberal Arts/Dance/Writing. It is innate in me to want to create. I do so when I wake up in the morning re-creating myself each day.

  • Sentient Beauty is a marketplace for creators of all kinds of vegan products from candles to cosmetics to come together to showcase what you create. For example, organic recipes, cosmetics, candles, weaving, organic clothes whatever it is. We can then exchange our wares and our creative process, as in barter, or sell to each other and expand our reach for the good of our creation.
  • Sentient Beauty my online vegan cosmetics and skincare shop is where I create every day, products for women to love their skin with.
  • When you join my group as an artisan patron, you get the benefit of my shop at your fingertips. I’ll feature you in my shop with your video or photos showing how you create your vegan product, art, clothes whatever you create, with your link to where folks can purchase your wares to include our Patreon marketplace. All you have to do is become a patron on Sentient Beauty Patreon.
  • In addition, patrons who would like me to customize any product from my shop with their own design can send it to me, and voila! it’s done. You can then order the products at a discount to give as gifts for the upcoming holidays. It’s a beautiful thing!

So, join, and let’s get our marketplace growing!
I appreciate what you and what others will do when we tell them about all that we do.



Barbara MacFarlane
My Vegan Life — The Expertise of Green

My education is in Liberal Arts/Dance/Writing having studied with Joy Harjo and Lee Connor writer and dancer respectively. But, my greatest honor is motherhood.