Bride and Groom is a Cross-Cultural, Worldwide Phenomenon


Bride and Groom spark engagement rings, engagement parties, and bridal showers. The celebration of this event is a milestone in the life of a couple.

Bride and groom, a milestone relationship for a couple. It follows an engagement and precedes marriage. It’s a celebration.
Bride and groom, a milestone in the relationship of a couple. It follows an engagement and precedes marriage. It’s a celebration.

Bride and groom, every girl and boy somehow aspire to be a bride and groom and eventually a husband and wife. This appears to be something built into the human psyche. Have you ever wondered why? And why is it so universal?

We’re discussing the structure of human society, the relationship between human beings, locally and internationally. We’ve discussed the equality of human beings and that humanity is composed of two compatible genders. The fundamental underlying axiom I’m working with is this: To procreate and increase the population, a male and a female must come together. Two individuals each representing one of these genders need to have intercourse. This is the only way to procreate.

Following individuals, two genders, the next step is the formation of couples. It’s always a twosome. Girlfriend and boyfriend. Bride and groom. Husband and wife.

People of all types of the same and opposite genders are in social contact with one another all the time, be it in school, at work or at play in the largest sense of the word…



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.