Cells … About 100 trillion of them and we have a Human Body

Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation
Published in
8 min readJun 19, 2020


Yes, you and I are an amalgam of these billions of billions of cells working together, each with its own cell life cycle integrated into this massive functioning ‘human body’ we call life.

There are 100 trillion atoms in a cell and 100 trillion cells in a Human Body. All working together to make Life.
There are 100 trillion atoms in a cell and 100 trillion cells in a Human Body. All working together to make Life.

There are 100 trillion atoms in a cell and 100 trillion cells in a Human Body. All working together to make Life.

You have roughly thirty trillion red blood cells that circuit your body about every thirty seconds and renew themselves every 120 days. A simple calculation reveals that about three million red blood cells die every second of your life. That’s barely one cubic millimeter of blood, the volume of one-fiftieth of a drop of water. As Galacti says, “No need to worry.”

Rather, these figures tell us about the speed at which activity is taking place in our bodies and that our body activities never quit. For example, we actually lose over thirty thousand skin cells per minute.

These and other organ and tissue cells are replaced by the process of mitosis: a cell dividing into two identical daughter cells. You studied this in biology and can review it if necessary. What I want to do is mention some of the lesser-known cell life processes to make you aware of



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook. TheExplanation.com