Couple Relationship — Binding Husband and Wife in Marriage


The couple relationship is the strength of social relations. Marriage, the husband, and wife together, is the twosome on which human society resides.

The couple relationship is the basis of human society. Young couples start passionately. Old couples have full oneness.
The couple relationship is the basis of human society. Young couples start passionately. Old couples have full oneness.

The couple relationship between human beings is the foundation on which human society rises or falls. The ability of a male and a female to combine their capacities, complement each other in their family life endeavors is the mark of a solid society.

We’re discussing the structure of human society, the relationship between human beings, locally and internationally. We’ve discussed the equality of human beings and that humanity is composed of two compatible genders. The basis is that the only way to procreate is for two individuals, one of each gender, to come together. Last week we discussed the formation of such couples. Dating, engagement, courtship, bride, and groom. This leads to marriage and husband and wife.

Marriage is a milestone decision and a life-changer in the life of an individual. From a social relationship point-of-view, an individual human being now becomes a couple. This couple relationship is the next structure in human society.

Depending on traditions, culture, religion and other aspects, a couple



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.