Creation Day 5 and 6. God Created Fish, Fowl, and Fauna


Creation day 5 and the first part of day 6: Fish in the water, fowl in the air and animals on and in the land
Creation day 5 and the first part of day 6: Fish in the water, fowl in the air and animals on and in the land.

On Creation Day 5 and the first part of Day 6, God created living creatures (nefesh chaya): Sea life, Sky life, and Land life.

Creation day 5 is for fish and fowl, while the beginning of day 6 is for animals. But, notice how day 4 parallels day 1 in that God worked in space, Creation day 5 parallels day 2, God separated the water below and the sky above and created fish and fowl. Day 6 parallels day 3 when God created the land and land animals. Yes, we’re only including the first portion of Day 6, the creation of land animals, in this blog post.
(Origin of the Universe, chapter 8.9)

Days 1 / 4: Light-Dark/Sun-Moon

Days 2 / 5: Water-Sky/Fish-Fowl (Genesis 1.20–23)

Days 3 / 6: Land/Fauna (Genesis 1.24–25)

There are rhyme and reason for this creation parallelism, as we shall see. The fish, fowl, and fauna are all referred to as living creatures (nefesh-H2416, chaya-H5315). But another type of living creature is also included in this group. We’re going to see that the term living creatures also applies to humans, but they are totally — light-years — apart from animals.



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.