God’s Plan for Us. Genesis Reveals Who, Why, Where, What, When, How

Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation
Published in
10 min readApr 5, 2020


God’s Plan for humankind, revealed in the first two chapters of the Bible. Don’t misunderstand the beginning! You won’t grasp the rest of the book.

God’s Plan for Humans is in Genesis 1 and 2. It reveals the answers to the Who, Why, Where, What, When, and How questions.
God’s Plan for Humans is in Genesis 1 and 2. It reveals the answers to the Who, Why, Where, What, When, and How questions.

God’s Plan for Humans is in Genesis 1 and 2. It reveals the answers to the Who, Why, Where, What, When, and How questions.

God’s plan, His plot is laid bare in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. The first five minutes of the famous TV detective series, Colombo, reveals the intrigues, the instigator, and the protagonist. The rest of the program explains what’s going on. Similarly, with the Bible, the first two chapters reveal all the answers to the big questions in life.

No other book and no human reasoning like observation, philosophy, science, or religion have revealed and explained these phenomena.

As we finish Origin of Humankind, we’re in a position to answer a good part of all those why questions. Those nagging questions that terminate in endless debates and often, in hot disputes. In Genesis 1 and 2, in a neatly written, tight story, we have real answers to fundamental questions about life.

Further crucial answers to questions like, why is there such confusion in the world, are forthcoming…



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook. TheExplanation.com