Human Society, the Only Global Social Species

Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation
Published in
6 min readAug 29, 2020


Human society exists because human beings are sociable. It’s the presence or absence of proper social relations that result in human turmoil or peace.

Human society is composed of social relationships. Humans are the only species that practice sociability worldwide.
Human society is composed of social relationships. Humans are the only species that practice sociability worldwide.

Human society is how humankind organizes its interrelationships on an individual, dual, group, national, and international level. How are human institutions doing in today’s world? Is the glass of quietude getting fuller or emptier?

This chapter delves into how society, you and I and the rest of the world population have organized ourselves to try to live in harmony with one another. This should be peaceful co-habitation. The word society comes from the term social. The origin of both these terms is the Latin socius meaning companion, friend, allied.

In the context of Audit of the Universe, we should ask the question how much real companionship do we have in our personal family relationships? How are we doing with friends, and I don’t mean on Facebook? When it comes to allies, look at the world scene, what’s the international situation? I’ll let you think about the answers, we’ll answer some of these queries in the next chapter on human accomplishments.



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.