Mental Health. State of the World

Mental health is probably the most precious possession each of us owns. You are your mind, and your mind is you.


Audit of the Universe looks at the state of global mental health. The World Health Organization statistics are revealing.
Audit of the Universe looks at the state of global mental health. The World Health Organization statistics are revealing.

Mental health is a significant issue nowadays. I dare say we tend to pay more attention to our bodies than our minds. Are we taking care of the physical and letting the mind go to pot? Concretely and metaphorically?

Last week I started this chapter by referring you to a list of diverse emotions, sentiments, moods, psychological, and medical attitudes. I asked you the question: Where do these moods, feelings, and emotions reside in your body if they’re in your body at all?

These last seven and the future chapters in Audit of the Universe have a double objective:

  1. To address the ‘state of the union-individuals-nations-universe.’ How is humankind doing in a particular area? In this chapter: How are our minds faring?
  2. To define more precisely the ‘pieces of the puzzle.’ In this chapter: The mind. We’re continuing to turn over pieces of the puzzle to make it clear what’s at stake. If we don’t know the basics, how can we go on to the more complex? If we don’t possess all the pieces of the puzzle, how can we possibly put it all together and see a final clear picture? With that in mind, what is the mind?



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook.