Yahweh or Yahveh. Meaning & Identity of God’s Name

Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation
Published in
11 min readMar 2, 2020


Yahweh or Yahveh. What is essential is to understand the meaning of the Name of God and His relationship to humankind, you and me.

Yahweh — Yahveh. The importance is the meaning that He is a Personal Caring God.
Yahweh — Yahveh. The importance is the meaning that He is a Personal Caring God.

Yahweh or Yahveh is used to describe God throughout Genesis 2, whereas Genesis 1 only mentions Elohim. Who is this Yahweh? What does this striking change signify? God is the central figure of the narrative. If we can’t understand Him and His purpose, how can we proceed?

With Genesis 2:3 and the seventh day comes the end of Creation Week. Earth has been restored and repopulated. Male and female have been created in the image of God. They have been married (blessed) by God and told the multiply and subdue, in other words, to establish relationships and rulership. The chapter culminates with the Creation of humans on Day 6 and their relationship with God on Day 7. God laid the overall framework of His intended plan.

In Genesis 2, the Bible takes this culmination of God creating, humans, and His relationship with them and highlights some of the important details. These elements are the basis for the comprehension of the rest of what God is both accomplishing with humankind and on Earth at this present time.

Sam’s Reflections



Sam Kneller - Biblical Hebrew go-to-guy
The Explanation

Biblical Hebrew is my passion, the basis of my writing. Genesis and Consciousness unlocked. The Bible is a 21st C. handbook. TheExplanation.com