The Raden A22 Review

Drew Coffman
The Extratextual


It would be a safe to say that I’ve been in more airports over the past few months than I have been in years. For a brief time in my life, travel went from being a rarity to being a regularity — and because of that, I decided to make a minor investment.

That investment was in a new suitcase, and a review of my luggage went up on Tools & Toys today. As I said over there:

As someone who’s currently in the midst of planning a ton of traveling, it only seemed right that I would finally take the time to upgrade the ragged and beaten suitcase I’ve been using for the last few years.

To tell the truth, I’ve never given that much thought to the subject of luggage. For a long while I had a dirt-cheap carry-on, our relationship ending abruptly when one of the wheels snapped off while I was walking into a hotel, sending all of my belongings tumbling down a small staircase. My next bag was purchased quickly and out of necessity while on the same vacation, and the quality of the case was far less important in the moment than the main objective of getting everything I had brought with me back home.

In an effort to learn from that previous bad experience, I’ve decided that, before I do more traveling, it’s time to truly consider the suitcase I take with me. Taking it even further, I decided that I wanted a suitcase that was not only durable and long-lasting, but an object that would provide a little bit of joy every time I travel. As someone who loves new tech, I found that joy in the new ‘smart suitcase’ by Raden, the A22.

If you think that you might be packing up soon enough yourself, give the review a look. I’ve been enjoying the suitcase greatly, and it’s become a perfect companion for all my travels.

Now it’s time to unpack, for the first time in a long while, and travel no more.

