What We Could Be Talking About This April 27, 2021

Leah Gillis
The Eye News
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6 min readApr 28, 2021

Topics in Bloom: “Colonier-Than-Thou”…

Photo by Dylan Sauerwein on Unsplash

Lots of Opinions and News Ahead…

Not gonna lie, I’m pretty proud of that Colonier-Than-Thou line. It came to me when writing about the attitude of many writers that irks me (see below: The Econimist rant in #2.)

Irks abound this full moon Scorpio we’ve been in these past few days. It’s a doozy. I was checking some of my favorite astrologers on Instagram for insight — @ foreverconscious, @ alyonnaangelica, @ ojcastrology and @ chaninicholas @ womanofthewomb.

They all spoke of the deep well of inner knowing and strength we can each tap into at this time specifically to banish parts of ourselves that no longer serve. Fear, running on empty, imposter syndrome, unworthiness, doubt, loneliness. We are far more than we give ourselves credit for, and this moon helps us to let go of anything that makes us feel down so we can rise.

I mean who doesnt want some of that?

And if all that seems to much to “do”, the other message of this moon is to feel, to be. And then of course there is the following, another fav @mysticmedusa had this helpful suggestion…

Now to the news items of note we could be discussing…

1)Follow @ astropoets on Twitter. You’re welcome.

2) Never forget this take from the Economist, 2019. Why is it highly regarded again?

Wait, before that let’s talk about these types of publicatons. Many have been branded “smart” just cuz the same Eton/Oxford/Harvard crew have been recycling the same colonialer-than-thou (!) stance. It’s not smart or high brow as many say, it’s dry. It’s a sect of elites that believe white/western ways are better, which is bananas. It’s that kind of supremacist in ideology for reals. And they know it, but they keep the same takes coming because, well tradition and money and “gotta keep our place” all that.

Last year their take on the issue between Ethiopia/Egypt/Sudan was so rudely written I had to gasp. It was blatant colonial better than though.

They actually used the word squabble. Dismissive much.

This English publication is telling other countries to learn how to share? How about you tend to your border mates, English folks. Maybe stop Judge Judying others with the same issues you do? If they only did the same when discussing England with, say Northern Ireland. Or Europe.

So. Rude. Such cajones — wait, what’s the English version of that?? Oh yeah - — such Dicks.

And so wrong. How English is that?! Colonier than though writing must go. It’s not helpful in this new era. And don’t we want that from our writers?


So, back to my original topic on this somehow-still-widely-dispersed-pub The Economist. The Economist published an article entitled — and no it’s not a joke — “Inside the Mind of Ben Shapiro, the Alt-right Sage without the Rage.”

I mean have you ever read such a bizarre take?! And to think it went through many people to be published. Bananas!

They later changed the title because Shapiro objected to being called Alt-right.

I mean what!? So not only is their title giving him heights as it totally mis-characterizes him, but then they backtrack to appease him. The him being an alt-right hate stoker, a racist, misogynst and homophobic man who is full of anger.

How has this publication has been a long respected as a source of reliable takes? Guess we have to consider the readers. It’s increbily not. No wonder all institutions are falling. None were built on solid ground. #outdated #racistimperialagendamuch #alsowrong #cateringtoracisthomophicislamaphobesisaninterestingchoiceforjournalists #thewestlost

And by the way, guess what they changed the title to?! “A radical conservative”.

That’s strange wording for hate filled white guy — is this the new synonym update in Webster’s? What’s up with the cartwheels these writers and editors do to not call a racist misogynyst a racist misogynyst? #stoptheeuphamismswhites #itsmakingyoulookignorant #andcomplicit #unlessyoureallyare #whichyoureallyhavebeen


I dig this The Wrap writeup, especially how it highlights again how The Economist missed it again at another part in the piece.

“Mr Shapiro not only courts controversy, he relies on it. It serves as an opening salvo to be heard above the din in digital media,” the profile said in its introduction. “His views are classically religious-conservative. He suggests that transgender people suffer a ‘mental disorder’; he opposes same-sex couples raising children; he has said (and sort of retracted) that ‘Arabs like to bomb crap and live in open sewage.’”

Publications need to stop with the bad looking veneers, hiding behind whatever the word is for people who pretend not to hear dog whistling, instead saying one is religious conservative.

The work of journalism is not to fit bullshit people into their bullshit narrative to make it cozy — especially when that rhetoric causes people to suffer and hate to stoke.

How about some loving awareness along with critical thinking?

Where is the heart British journalists? The cliche about brits is they lack heart, but thats not true. Thought his shows you sure dont know how to use it. Trips to italy won’t help.

OK, tear over…

3) How Cool are These News Bits?




4) We Need to Focus on Earth Day Every Day Cuz We Need to Save The Planet Ya’ll. This is tragically sad.

How a shocking environmental disaster was uncovered after 70 years — CBS News


The rice of the sea: how a tiny grain could change the way humanity eats


A recently published WIOMSA research paper reveals that coral reef communities in Mauritius have declined by 40 per cent over 15 years, and that three types of coral had disappeared and may be extinct.

Tim McClanahan has written on the threat towards Mauritian coral reefs in the latest WIOMSA newsbrief: https://blog.wiomsa.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/WIOMSA-MAR-2021-Newsbrief-V2C.pdf

Read the publication here: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00338-020-02015-4

5)What. The. Fuck.

6) The Good Stuff — Astrology Edition

  • Mantra’s from @ TheNuminous @ theAuricLife has some really good ones.
  • @ AstrobyLyra — in depth look at the days ahead…Dig her style and insight.

7) The Good Stuff- Health Edition

Have you heard of Chayawanprash? I love this health food and I get mine from Lotus Blooming Herbs. People ask me what does it do for you and I say, well, I’m not sure but sustained use is said to keep one healthy and strong… kinda like yoga and acupuncture and being kind and honoring your truth. Lets do the preventative stuff! So that’s what it does for me..

Authenticity is what counts and this product is not cheap but is made by people who pay fair wages to suppliers and get quality ingredianets and ensure it comes to us that way, so worth it.

Not a paid ad, just sharing something I love from a lil company out here doing good….

8) Speak Their Deeds: The Brave Who Came Before… Like Willie Louis

We have to much we are learning baout those who history writers chose to leave out. People who were brave and silenced, though their good deads so loud they lingered and are now heard. Face2FAceAfrica is a great IG follow for information we could all be talking about…

Be very well…



Leah Gillis
The Eye News

Journalist and Astrologer. Passport User, Discourse Haver, Sagittarius. Seeker of the Awesome, Interesting & Notable. Je dig Pizza. Book #1… IG The.Eye.News