What We *Could* Be Talking About This June 1, 2021

Leah Gillis
The Eye News
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4 min readJun 2, 2021

Topics in Bloom “White Knights is Happening You Guys”

Photo by Valentina Condeon Unsplash

In this weeks review of the shit show that is the patriarchy and power hungry/emotionally unwell trying to hold onto their dwindling power (and cue the Wicked Witch of the West “I’m melting”...)

White Knights (the classic 1985 film) is real. Only the real life version is way worse.

Sure Boris Johnson’s beloved Brexit (debacle) is causing even more problems for regular people trying to live their lives by crossing the border between the UK and EU (see here and here and here for EU citizens problems and see here for UK citizens problems), but the biggest EU story I’m trying to talk about does not involve that racist political action.

Story 1:

Last week a man on a non-stop passenger flight from Athens (Greece) to Vilnius (Lithuania) ended up in prison in Minsk (Belarus) during his flight.

The plane was not scheduled to land in Minsk.

The plane was hijacked while over Belarus air space and forced to land, via military planes and KGB agents.

KGB is Russia you’re thinking. And you’re right. And that’s not Belarus. Again, you’re right. However the “President” of Belarus, the current longest dictator in Europe, did not allow fair elections last August and kept control over the country with 80% of the vote. Everyone saw election fraud ‘cept him and his crew. Citizens took to the streets for these last months — nearly a year - risking prison and worse. Both of which have happened. (I’m getting to the Russia part!)

The believed election winner, 38-year-old Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya had to flee the country post results (she is still bravely doing her leader thing and speaking out for help to topple this dude and those who keep him in power.) Many who worked for her and against the dictator are in jail. You know typical tyrant, patriarchy bullshit. So this acting Belarus “President” is Putin’s puppet. You know Putin, the dude who changed the laws in Russia so he can keep being the head of Russia for like 30+ years. Same dude who keeps ordering killings of people who oppose him and has Trump and Co by the cajones. Well Putty really likes the Belarus tyrant and wants him to stay.

So on the hijacked plane was a brave Belarussian dissident writer, Roman Protasevich who was intentionally avoiding his home country because of said crazy political leader who has made threats to put him in jail and worse.

‘A passenger on the Ryanair plane, Monika Simkiene, said that as the flight was diverted to Minsk she saw Mr Protasevich panicking.

“He just turned to people and said he was facing the death penalty,” she told the AFP news agency.’

On the plane with Protasevich was also his girlfriend, Sofia Sapeg, a Russian born universtity student in Vilnius. She was also arrested.

The two appeared in videos shortly after arrest saying they are guilty of the “charges.” Many dissidents fear for them and themselves, believing they are being tortured which is why they confessed to the sham charges.

This happened last week and other than calls for this to stop by many countries and airlines changing their routes to not go over Belarus (bananas), no one has taken action against Belarus or Russia (who everyone knows is behind it cuz not like Belarus guy has cajones on his own to do this — and yes Im summarizing other reports.)

If you did not see the amazing 1985 film White Knights then do so immediately and you’re welcome. Featuring tap legend Gregory Hines and ballet legend Mikhail Baryshnikov, from IMDB: A Russian American ballet dancer’s airplane is forced to land in USSR, where he’s “repatriated”. He stays with an American man married to a Russian. Will the American help him flee USSR?

When I heard this story last week I was horrified but it also sounded familiar. Then it came to me. The movie has a happy-ish ending (and amazing dance-offs and Helen Mirren) and what makes it so good is that you not only love the characters but you see how the patriarchy makes people do horrible things to each other and keeps people from living the lives they want to live. Sure, its communism here but insert any tyrant and this movie serves.

That it’s the same USSR back then that KGB agent Putin can’t let go of is a clear line to now. Only this is a real hijacking and not some natural accident.

Obviously this is real life and Roman and Sofia are not OK.

When will governments do something about the hijacking on this plane? It’s a dangerous precedent…



Leah Gillis
The Eye News

Journalist and Astrologer. Passport User, Discourse Haver, Sagittarius. Seeker of the Awesome, Interesting & Notable. Je dig Pizza. Book #1… IG The.Eye.News