What We *Could* Be Talking About This June 15, 2021

Leah Gillis
The Eye News
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5 min readJun 16, 2021

Topics in Bloom “Peak Patriarchy Jumping the Shark…”

Unknown Source (and brilliant!) Please Advise

If you missed it somehow everywhere in the world is having major changes. Not just Covid protocols, but throwing the shackles off of the top-down patriarchal model of life. “Do as I say cuz I said so” ain’t flying anymore. Thank goddess, right? That system was bananas: not fun AND not effective. Who needs that!

That said, the departure of the old way is not going quietly. Osaka speaking up about her health issues and being summarily ignored by officials is one example. Merrick Garland and Biden’s DOJ agreeing to represent DT in his rape case another (WTF.) And of course Putin’s agressions in Ukraine, his overseeing atrocities in Belarus and his imprisoning and torturing opposers (hey Navalny and Co.) in Russia is another.

At least there’s a new season of Lupin, right? (Um, France TV people, we’re gonna need like a bagillion more and fast so can you hire more people to do that?)

McConnell saying he won't let a new Supereme Court justice get through before 2023/24 if he gets majority is like peak patriarchy jumping the shark.

Bruhs. It’s over. You so lost and are not looking cute and this will not stand. Their whole trick “if we say it enough it will happen” is not working anymore. We see that poppy dust you are trying to use and got on masks. This isn’t Dubya’s time.

This one old white dude from the south is really trying to keep us hundreds of millions of people hostage to his views. Problem is, so far he and his cronies have done succeeded.

How do we peacefully move these folks onto their version of a retirement home cruise of patriarchy lovers?

The Times They Have a Changed

We are indeed in a new era. Chani Nicholas, Forever Conscious, Embodied Astrology, Moon Omens, Louise Hay, David Dawkins, Krishnamurti and others are out here trying to get us all to tune into ourselves, our calling, our love, our unity, our humanity. Great teachers remind us that another world is possible right here but that we must build it. And that we can. (Most listed above are on IG.)

That starts with what we are teaching and being taught:

Joan of Arc was a badass leader. We weren’t told she was actually tried for dressing like a man, as this helped her not get raped. She was killed for protecting herself. She was killed for crossdressing. (I mean also fighting the English but you know what I mean.)

Text books in Louisiana tell the story of slavery as one where the landholders were in a pickle and did they best they could. This is what kids have been learning. Lately. Red rover red rover send truth back over.

So much effort has been made to hide the truth but all these lies are being outed. The current ridiculous movement to not teach the truths of hundreds of years of racist policy in America will not survive under the weight of this new era of awakening, but watching many get crushed by the weight of truth is not pleasant.

What do they fear? Truth and goodness help us all. Even them.

So many stories of women warriors and heads of state we are hearing about more and more, along with cultures across the globe featuring men who enjoyed and supported women leadership in history. Also there’s sexuality being no ones business but the people involved and cultures celebrating love in all it’s forms. Who knew? We’ve had heaven on earth but it was taken away. Time to bring it back.

There are videos online teaching about matriarchal cultures across Africa. They only changed to patriarchy and women hating and enslaving under with white colonizers. Yes, European colonizers exported women’s suffering as well.

There are stories of women and men who resisted oppression even as they faced near certain defeat. We sing their names.

And more are coming out. Let’s talk about them. Let’s hear their stories. Let’s say their names. Let’s change the conversation!

That’s something we could be talking about…

News Bits:

ICYMI: MUST read on Twitter @ Chaedria “No Quarter Will Be Given” is the only black curator in NYC Guggenheim’s history. She tells her racism filled experience with the white leadership there. Yikes. It’s so so so bad.

Sadly I can relate to a lot of what she says.

Also: shero alert. I am so digging all these women speaking up and using names to out the abuse and help others.

Really though, it’s a pinned tweet from 2020 linked above so you don’t even have to search for it. Read it.

(I did not know this.)

Follow’s that may make you smarter:

  1. Scott McFarlane (ScottMcFarlaneNews) on Twitter is doing amazing work covering Jan 6th.

You guys, why don’t the Biden people want it properly investigated? They are so stalling. How is the same head of the FBI that day running it in Biden’s tenure? Or are ya’ll not ready for that conversation? Cuz that’s what we need to talk about?

2. AmourduCake on IG. It’s so yum and pretty and creative and fun. Enjoying that for us.

3. MordechayBalas is a dream analysis expert. He talks about dream interpretations and also shares information about the power of sleep and using it to make our lives better.

4. Did some network or platform pick up At Home With Amy Sedaris yet? This awesome show cannot go away. She’s so brill.

Finally, Ziwe is a national treasure. I wish I had Showtime to enjoy her brilliance, so do it for me and tag me @leahcappuccino in your mentions.



Leah Gillis
The Eye News

Journalist& Astrologer. Passport User, Discourse Haver, Sagittarius. Seeker of the Awesome, Interesting & Notable. Je dig Pizza. Book #1… IG The.Eye.News