What We *Could* Be Talking About This June 23

Leah Gillis
The Eye News
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4 min readJun 23, 2021

Topics in Bloom “We Had to Be Upended To Realize What Was Right…”

I mean how Cancer season is this?! Love AND food! via IG via @ showkitchen via @ gastroobscura

We thought it was Covid but the lessons have only intensified and apparently we need to keep looking in cuz the answers are not coming from outside of us.

This mercury retrograde has been no joke. Communication issues (whoa) miss ups, mishaps, forgetting things, this time the planet of communication - in it’s home sign — was not playing. It’s technically gone direct, but there are two weeks of shadow so keep backing up drives, watching your words, checking for your keys before you leave, and being sensitive to others.

We had to be upended to realize what was right side up apparently.

Naomi taking her racket and going home was really a profound message for us all. With so many planets retrograde now (Pluto, Jupiter) the work is inside. Go within for your guidance and answers. Find what you really want. Don’t do what people think you shoudl do. That gets none of us anywere.

And judging from the news this week “leaders” sure aren’t the way.

We are building a new world. So what do you want it to feel like and be like? Do that.

Cuz lord knows those who want to make the world more of the bad are working overtime.

via @ moonandcactus on IG

Meanwhile the clever, big hearted people on Twitter and IG are supplying so much good by calling the ish out. There are so many more good people in our world. Though I highlight much bad (it’s the work), I am also adding more good. Let’s have more of that. There is power in repetition, after all…

Like, seriously, what is wrong with business folks? We have got to audit schools like HBS and HLS cuz if those are our standard best they are missing a whole lot.

Especialy since many of those schools supply the people who run the government and military too.

We can’t just ignore this. Sure, Trump and Co were running things but as we’ve seen the issues are not just them and have long existed in military and our government and the US overall.

Overhaul time. Who are we going to get to over see this?

I vote a panel of black women.

OK, here is some good news. I am loving this man and the fact tha tjust who is is increasing what many think of people from this state.

He’s GOT to win. A nuclear physicist AND a minister. Done and Done!

Via News and Guts

Yeah, so the whole patrairchal thing of “rules we all need to follow based on nothing” is not going to stand. Individuals dont need to perform like in a circus anymore. (No circus’ either.)

People can be — should be! — happy and work. That’s the new business model…

Dang. London got left out real quick. how long before the people start to complain? This whole game of Brexit is hurting so many people, all for the sport of top dudes. So wrong. So sad.

Meanwhile, I’m excited for these sleeper cars! Travel life got me like yesssss!

Follow me on IG @ Aleahthing, Twitter @ leahcappuccino and donate to my patreon to keep this work going and growing (button on The Eye News Main page.) Let’s elevate the conversation, yo!



Leah Gillis
The Eye News

Journalist and Astrologer. Passport User, Discourse Haver, Sagittarius. Seeker of the Awesome, Interesting & Notable. Je dig Pizza. Book #1… IG The.Eye.News