What We *Could* Be Talking About This May 11, 2021

Leah Gillis
The Eye News
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5 min readMay 12, 2021

Topics in Bloom… on this Gemini New Moon

Photo by Simon Bergeron Unsplash

Sure things look dire. From cops letting others off for their hate crime behavior without anything resembling a sane response (see below) to voting rights being peeled back — I can’t believe I’m full on living both the post Civil War period, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights era right now. Bananas. — these unreal times have been made by us so they can be unmade.

Thats the good news! This new moon of Gemini brings intelligence (thank god) and speed and communication to the forefront for us all. Just, you know, be sensitive.

One tool to help us undo the dumpster fire world we have is as we get back to nature. Sure some big pharma meds can work, but herbs from the land as well as meditation are natural so better. After all, what is made in those labs comes from nature right? Why not just have the real thing.

This middle man world we’ve been in means everythign is diluted. Dont’ we want the real thing. Like Coke always reminds us?

Not being a slave to work and banks and buying stuff is happening and that will continue to reverberate. That’s also getting back to nature. As the awakening continues, nature and our natural rhythms, of rest and play for adults will become a norm.

The business men want us to just keep the blinders on and keep working as they say but that era is over. It’s ending is ugly though.

Like Churchill said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Luckily many planets are with us on this new moon urging fresh starts, planting the seeds of abundance, health and dreams come true experiences.

So let’s chose well.


Again, things are serious I know. Things are tipping everywhere all day — except the women’s movement, that’s to come — but like all the greats and every wisdom says it’s darkest before dawn. And don’t forget that within the biggest obstacle lies the biggest opportunity. So let’s take it.

The happenings below got me scratching my head (some for good, love that Dame) so I was thankful when I came across this image of smiling legend and total B-Abe-rabraham Lincoln: Jesse Owens.

His stride and smile is goals for us in these times. I mean if he went to Hitlers Germany — as a black man from America when America flagrantly mistreated him, we can surely stand up to the wrong doers in our own lives right? Right?

Let’s take his swag and talent into our week, and new month shall well? LEt’s all be our best like him. (Also, mental note: get a hat like that and some pinstripes:))

1)So yeah. This keeps happening everywhere…

And remember, so many things happen that dont make any papers. We not only need to defund police but also change hiring practices.

Who is in charge of that? Shouldn’t that be something someone in the President’s cabinet is actively overseeing? Like if we have a Defense Secretary, why isn’t overseeing the cops a part of that? We also need to defend from those here at home. Time to redo that job to not just be about the overseas military industrial complex? Same for FBI, Homeland Security and Interior Secretary #helpfulhints

2) J’agree with Mr. J. The USA’s got promise but without fulfilling it that’s not anything.

3) NY Mayoral candidates showed just how little they know about real life. Dear god.

4) So yeah, the brain trust in the U.S. government has been doing not only dumb ass shit but also totally homophobic based dumb shit.

This is what happens when dudes run things. It’s like a fraternity but theyve got bigger budgets and access to secret science stuff. We need people to versee these people. And it should be all women. Black women.

Have they figured out how to clone Stacey Abrams yet? We need way more of her stat.

5)After the horribly violent attacks on Palestinians this past week, Israeli’s were greeted with a sky tonight that looks liek amazing stars or fireworks.

It was rockets and bombs.

It’s not about religion. It’s about hate. Religion is the excuse.

I think about Yitzak Rabin at these times. That man wanted to bring peace.

6)They aren’t even trying to hide the agenda. I prefer the openness so we know what we are fighting but still. Gross.

7)I would buy this magazine and watch this show. HBU?

I leave you with some words to live by.

We’ve gotten so used to living in a world of war, a world where you have to prove your worth, where greed and cheating is valued as long as you have the best toys and look good. A world where rest and play and exploration is deemed silly and frivolous.

We don’t have to live this way. Take this new moon to imagine your best life. Then do it every day. How would that best life you think and act and live?

Be well.

Via @ _propheta_ on Instagram



Leah Gillis
The Eye News

Journalist& Astrologer. Passport User, Discourse Haver, Sagittarius. Seeker of the Awesome, Interesting & Notable. Je dig Pizza. Book #1… IG The.Eye.News