The Factoid Authority
2 min readOct 14, 2019



Q3 2019

Dear Factom Community,

Since our last report we have been pleased to announce that our affiliated company TFA Labs received a ~$200k grant from the DOE to explore securing the US energy grid using Factom blockchain technology and IOT-SAS™. We are working alongside Factom Inc. and development is progressing well as we prepare for an upcoming IPR face-to-face with the customer at the end of October. This will represent the first major milestone of the effort. It has been a pleasure working with and meeting different entities in the ecosystem and to have had the opportunity to attend several conferences recently. It’s been great to see that the protocol marketing work is providing Factom with some much needed exposure and we look forward to continued cooperation as we drive the protocol forward together.


TFA is operating at 25% efficiency and won’t adjust for the foreseeable future.



This effort is well underway and some good progress has been made alongside Consensus Networks. This is not a major priority as we focus more on our IoT efforts, but it will be progressing as time and resources permit.

Additional contributions


  • Integrated Factom’s Harmony Connect
  • Harmony Connect C# driver open sourced
  • Produced video

FAT integration into TFA-explorer (grant)

This grant was completed and deemed successful by the Factom Standing Parties.

The grant update thread is available here.

FAT firmware upgrade for Ledger Nano X/S (grant)

FAT integration for Ledger is progressing slower than anticipated and in part due to other protocol related commitments. The firmware development for FAT-0 transaction is mostly complete and the development for FAT-1 integration is progressing. We are targeting an estimated completion date by the end of October.

The grant update thread is available here.

Atlanta Smart City Expo

Dennis Bunfield attended the Atlanta Smart City Expo in Atlanta, Georgia alongside Carl DiClementi from Factom Inc. advocating the protocol.

Voice of Blockchain

Dennis Bunfield attended the Voice of Blockchain conference in Chicago, Illinois alongside other community members. Dennis gave a presentation on the DOE grant, as well as participated in a fireside chat.

Continued hosting for:

Added hosting for:

*In cooperation with Bedrock Solutions

