The Factoid Authority
2 min readOct 13, 2020



Q3 2020

Dear Factom Community,

It’s been another turbulent quarter for Factom, and an extraordinary year in general with the ongoing pandemic which has caused all sorts of disruptions. As stated in our last report we applied for a Phase II grant for our Factom-based IOT-SAS solution, unfortunately although our application was reviewed and deemed sufficiently meritorious, it was not accepted. However, it has opened up other opportunities and there are other related programs we are pursuing, so watch this space. On another more pressing subject, we believe the Factom protocol is in a critical state and needs some drastic changes. One of the outcomes of the SBIR effort was the development of the Validator Accumulator architecture developed by Factom, Inc. This new architecture built upon Factom was needed to support the extreme TPS demands required for use in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) grid infrastructure. Factom, Inc. has since proposed the next generation of the Factom protocol based upon this DOE concept.* We are actively developing prototypes and participating in design discussions for the next generation protocol. There are some interesting ideas being floated around which will come to light in due course.


TFA is still operating at 25% efficiency.


Ledger support for PegNet

We have completed development of PegNet integration into the Factom Ledger Application. We are working with the PegNet Kambani team to help integrate and test this new functionality into their wallet.


Continued support.

Continued hosting for

*Factom 2.0 Next Generation Concept:

