Communication Is Critical in Virtual Learning

You’re part teacher, part customer support representative

Walter Rhein
The Faculty
Published in
7 min readOct 31, 2020


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

With the ongoing concerns of the pandemic, my wife and I agreed that it was in the best interests of our children to sign up for our school district’s virtual learning program. I am a certified teacher, but I do have work obligations throughout the day so it was nice to think I wouldn’t have to prepare material.

Two months into the program, our school district’s virtual learning plan has been nothing short of a total disaster.

The main issue seems to be that some of the professionals that have been tasked in important roles are not very tech-savvy, and they are stubbornly refusing to acquire and implement the skills necessary to fulfill the requirements of their positions. The simple fact is that the unique challenges of the 20/21 school year are going to require more work from everybody. The sooner teachers, parents, and students learn to adopt good practices, the more we can reduce our collective workload.

Stops and starts

The program our school district chose for virtual learning was not properly vetted, and several weeks in the lessons started to feature insane religious propaganda and racist material. The school district quickly suspended service and…



Walter Rhein
The Faculty

10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist.