Psychology Tips

Entrepreneurship Starts by Believing

5 ways to boost your self-confidence and achieve your goals

Maria Angel Ferrero
The Faculty
Published in
7 min readMay 16, 2020


An illustration from Open Doodles by Pablo Stanley

Entrepreneurship starts by believing.

Starting your own business is difficult. Ditching your paid-job to start the business you’ve always dreamt about is a hard and life-changing decision. Other than hard-work and financial investment, starting a business means dealing with the uncertainty and risks of not achieving what you expect. And to cope with those, you need a lot of motivation, perseverance, and execution to name but a few.

Entering the career of entrepreneurship is like running a marathon. You are there for the long run. Yes, you can have quick wins. But if you want to have a sustainable and profitable business, you need to prepare for the big race. Otherwise, you’ll drop out in the first miles.

And like for any sport, mindset is an impressive deal for succeeding. Without the right mindset, chances are you don’t get to see the finish line.

Entrepreneurship is not in our blood. There is no such thing as born-entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship takes training and long-life learning. It’s a cycle that starts with motivation and passion toward a vision and a goal.



Maria Angel Ferrero
The Faculty

Feminist, Writer, PhD, Researcher & Professor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship U. Montpellier, editor @thefacultypub and @thebravewritter blog: