You Graduated Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. How to Succeed and Stay Sane

You’re probably scared, but what’s happening is not the end of the world

Joanna Henderson
The Faculty


Image by Pham Trung Kien from Pixabay

Approximately 3.9 million students graduated from college in 2019 — around the same number is expected this year. If you are one of them — you know the struggle. The older generations look at you like you’re a lost puppy, pat you on the back, and offer their condolences. They keep repeating everything is going to be fine and there were many worst times in history.

While people are merely trying to be nice and compassionate, they might be giving you a piece of pretty lousy advice. Graduating into the global pandemic and a significant economic recession is not fun — that is probably an understatement. However, the planet didn’t stop spinning. Despite what is going on in the world, you should craft both a short- and a long-term life plan. It may seem useless right now, but it will help you stay on track and become successful and mentally stable.

Stop Listening to Others

The individuals offering you condolences and sugar coating may be doing you a disservice. Debatably, they might be worse than those who keep shouting that the world is ending. You should thank them for their input and stop listening to what they…



Joanna Henderson
The Faculty

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.