Hey Faculty, I’m Back!

Ready for fresh content

Maria Angel Ferrero
The Faculty


2 min readJan 17, 2022


Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

It’s been a while. One year exactly.

I don’t know about you, but my 2021 was full of unexpected surprises. Some were very challenging, but not everything was bad.

Between the struggle of hybrid teaching, home-schooling my kids every time school closed, testing positive for covid, the flu and other seasonal viruses, the arrival of a newborn, and back again to remote classes, I haven’t found a minute to sit calmly and write.

I’ve been quite distant from The Faculty and many of the projects I started back in 2021 are still hanging there, waiting for me to come back.

I could never be more grateful to Adam Ross Nelson who has been an amazing co-editor and has kept the publication alive while I was drowning in papers and diapers (still full of diapers).

I’m also grateful to all the awesome writers that keep contributing to our publication, your implication means everything to me.

But now I feel ready to come back, and hopefully back for good.

I have many ideas and projects for The Faculty and I want you to be part of it. I want to continue with the mission of making this publication a space where we can reimagine education and where we can discuss best practices and share our fears, challenges, joys, and wins.

So, stay tuned because 2022 will be full of fresh and superb content. The Faculty will be having a makeover and soon we’ll be opening for new writers and columnists.

This is our new year’s resolution, what about yours?

And by the way, Happy New Year 🥂!



Maria Angel Ferrero
The Faculty

Feminist, Writer, PhD, Researcher & Professor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship U. Montpellier, editor @thefacultypub and @thebravewritter blog: mariangelf.com