How to Actually Learn Something from Online Classes

Classrooms as we knew it, might never return

José Lourenço
The Faculty
5 min readSep 23, 2020


Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

College has finally begun, but now we are living in a different world.

A few months ago, no one thought that going to a classroom for a lecture would be something impossible to do.

Going to the campus and meeting new people on the first day of school is already in the past.

Nowadays you can pretty much have lectures sitting on your bed while you have your pajamas on.

And even though this is weird, this is our new reality, and we need to get used to it.

Albert Einstein once said:

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

Now, more than ever we all need to adapt to newer circumstances and only those who are capable of doing that will leave this situation in a better position than the one in which they found themselves.

So, how can you take full advantage of online classes and actually learn something?

Treat Them Like Regular Classes

When you’re in the classroom, there are some things you do that help you achieve good results.

Photo by Philippe Bout on Unsplash

Now, you’ll have to adapt those same things to your bedroom or to your personal office.

The number one thing you should absolutely do when you’re having online classes is pay attention to your professor.

This is extremely important because when you’re having classes from the comfort of your home, it’s really easy for you to start wandering on the internet.

When you enter your online class, you should close all the tabs on your computer that are not essential for that class, and try to put your phone away from you. That way you won’t feel a need to check it every 10 minutes.

If you pay attention to your teacher, you’ll be able to interact with him whenever you have a question.

Most students are scared to ask questions when they don’t understand something, but now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure you understand as much as possible what the professor is saying.

When asking questions, turn your camera on. That way you’ll give a sense to your professor that you’re actually there paying attention to him. Believe it or not, your professors miss the classroom as much as you do.

This next thing I’m going to say it’s crucial to make online classes a learning experience.

Always respect your professor and your colleagues.

This means that you should:

  • Have your microphone off, so that other people are not constantly hearing different background noises;
  • Don’t turn on your camera just to do something that you think it’s funny;
  • Ask questions when you’re granted permission from your professor;
  • Don’t write random things on the chat that will disturb your colleagues;
  • Behave as if you were in a classroom.

Remember that this is a new reality for everybody, so take it easy when something is not working perfectly.

Set up a Routine

Even though you can have classes while you lay on your bed without changing from your pajamas, you shouldn’t.

You need to set up a routine, similar to the one you’d set up if you could go to the classroom.

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

Therefore, here are a few things you can do to help you follow a schedule:

  • Set a time to wake up, early in the morning preferentially;
  • Prepare your day the night before, that way you won’t feel stressed when you wake up;
  • Wear comfortable, but presentable clothes, to give your brain a sense of work and in case you need to turn your camera on;
  • Set a time for classes and a time for breaks, this way you’ll be more productive;
  • Try to review the class on that same day, this will help you understand what you really know and what you need to study a little bit more;
  • Go to bed early, make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.

Also, you want to make sure that your workplace has everything you need for that particular class. That can be your computer, a tablet, notes given by the professor, problem sets your professor asked you to solve, whatever it is, make sure you have it by your side.

I recommend you to either print the documents the professor sends you or get your hands on an extra screen, so you can follow the class and your professor notes at the same time.

Take a Break to Clear off your Mind

You need to take a break once in a while.

Sitting in front of your computer studying and having classes all day long will eventually burn you out.

Do you remember what it was like going to college before this whole madness happened?

You weren’t always in the classroom or in the library with your head stuck in the books. You had breaks between your classes, you had free time to relax and hang out with your friends. Oh and I almost forgot about those crazy college parties…

Even though you need to be more careful now due to the pandemic, it’s still essential to take these breaks once in a while to clear off your mind.

Take a little bit of time to go out for a walk, read a book or even to start working on that side hustle you’ve always wanted.

Just try to do something that is not on the same spectrum of work because this way you won’t feel your whole life revolves around school. It’s really easy to lose track of time when you’re stuck at home all day long.

It’s also extremely important that when you take a break, you do it away from your workspace. That way you’re telling your brain that when you’re sitting at the desk, your only focus is schoolwork. When you leave the desk, your brain will know that it’s time to relax.

“Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” — Akiroq Brost

I know that having online classes during the entire semester can be a little bit tough and stressful.

However, no one really knows when we will return to normal. It might take a really long time. Who knows right?

So you should always try your best to treat online classes the same way as “regular ones” in order to achieve your full potential and become the best student version of yourself!



José Lourenço
The Faculty

Engineering, Finances and the Stock market | Basketball Fan and Book Lover