How to Take Back Your Sense of Control

Practical advice from a Psychology PhD

Lindy Gullett, PhD
The Faculty


Humans have a need for control…or at least we have a need to think that we are in control. I don’t know about you, but the coronavirus pandemic has definitely stolen my sense of control.

It feels like the world is changing in big, drastic ways every single day. Just three weeks ago, I was on vacation with Peru. Then, Trump gave a speech about closing the U.S off from the EU, and I realized, “If I don’t leave now, I might get trapped here.” And believe me, my Spanish is not good enough for a long-term stay in Lima. In less than twelve hours, I was on a plane back to San Francisco, and right now, over 100 Americans are trapped in Peru with no way home.

We don’t know what the world is going to look like in a day, a week, a month, or a year. There are so many things that we can’t control. But there are also things that we can control.

Let’s just pick one thing. What’s one thing in your life that you can control? What’s something that you want to control? Pick one thing to anchor you during the Coronavirus pandemic.

3 Steps To Regaining Control

Right now, so many of us, including me, feel anxious and isolated. So much is uncertain in the early weeks and months of a pandemic…



Lindy Gullett, PhD
The Faculty

PhD in Social Psychology from NYU. Here to tell stories about people, their lives, and their communities.