Object-Oriented Programming is just another concept!

Understanding OOP faster

Umair Feroze
The Faculty


Photo by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash

Object-Oriented Programming can be a nightmare to learn for many beginners! OOP with C++ is a wonderful head start and hopefully, it is the most interesting and simplest approach to learning OOP!

Object-Oriented Programming

In simple terms, OOP is a method of programming where you consider programs to be written based on real-world objects. Some of the common examples you would have come across would be Bank Accounts, Humans, Vehicles, and so on.

The difference between OOP and the usual procedural/functional programming that you have been learning all these days is that OOP is inclusive of everything in procedural programming but, OOP consists of classes and objects.


A class is like a set! It’s a blueprint or template that can be used to create objects. Its the mold to your star-shaped cookies! A class consists of attributes and methods. It’s simple!


Attributes are similar to variables that you have learned in functional programming, except that attributes exclusively define the physical aspects of the class, and variables can be anything.




Umair Feroze
The Faculty

ECU Alumni👨🏼‍🎓| Software Engineer 👨🏼‍💻 MERN Developer | Innovative Tech Lover💡| Muslim ❤️ |Email: umayir10@gmail.com