Write for The Faculty

How to get your story published

Maria Angel Ferrero
The Faculty


Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash


So, you are an Academic looking to write and blog about Academia? Or maybe you have interesting stories and things to say about education, teaching, research, learning, or life in Academia? Then you are in the right place.

The Faculty is a recent publication looking to gather a community of Academic storytellers. It seeks to document their journeys in education while encouraging the meaningful disruption of education systems.

The Faculty is a place where we can have an open conversation about a better Academia. It’s an open space where academics, educators, scientists, students, and everyone who wants to disrupt the education and scientific research system can share stories and thoughts. A place where we can question ourselves and our systems and enact the change we all need. A place where we share ideas and develop actions to change our approach to education, science, and research.

Here you will find everything you need to know about getting your work published in The Faculty, and some tips on how to succeed as a writer on Medium.

But first things first.

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Maria Angel Ferrero
The Faculty

Feminist, Writer, PhD, Researcher & Professor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship U. Montpellier, editor @thefacultypub and @thebravewritter blog: mariangelf.com